Why I quit my job at NASA and became an English teacher

Hey! I'm Tiffani!

I used to work at NASA as a Web Designer. Yes, the space program NASA.

It was a fantastic experience in an environment where excellence was always required.

It trained me to be even more of a perfectionist than I already was.

I loved the job, but something was missing.

You see, as a Christian, I had a passion for helping others.

But, this passion was not being fulfilled.

So one day, I decided to quit, take my suitcase, and fly to South Korea.

It was the best decision of my life.

I started teaching English in South Korea as a missionary.

It started small, but soon enough, I was helping thousands of students learn how to speak English.

I was in this foreign country, so I wanted to learn their language.

Studying it would help me connect with people but also make me a better teacher.

Hence, I started this journey of learning Korean.

I went through all the struggles...

  • Lack of confidence
  • Understanding but not being able to speak
  • Having a hard time organizing my thoughts
  • Being afraid of making mistakes

...And everything that comes with learning a new language.

The thing is, Korean is nothing like English.

I had to learn a new alphabet, new intonations, and an entirely different culture.

It was exciting and scary at the same time, but I had the determination and amazing teachers behind me.

So after 2 years, I was finally able to speak Korean with confidence.

This experience changed my approach to teaching.

I realized that learning a language is not focused only on grammar.

It’s essential to have fun while learning.

Students, including myself, learn a lot better when they associate their learning with a positive feeling.

Fast forward to today and I am still teaching English.

I have been an ESL teacher for over 10 years now and I continue to love what I do.

I have taught tens of thousands of people how to speak English confidently while enjoying the process.

You can get to the level you want.

No matter where you start, or the challenges you face, you can do it.


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