By watching this video lesson, you will learn 5 English idioms that will help you be more comfortable in business situations.


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1. Cut to the chase

Meaning: Get to the point without wasting time on unnecessary details.

  • Let’s cut to the chase. What’s your final offer for the contract?
  • In our meetings, the CEO always cuts to the chase to save time.
  • I appreciate how you cut to the chase in your presentation, highlighting only the key points.

2. Throw someone under the bus

Meaning: Betray or blame someone, especially to save oneself.

  • Don’t throw your colleagues under the bus just to make yourself look better.
  • She felt betrayed when her manager threw her under the bus during the project review.
  • It’s unprofessional to throw your team under the bus when things go wrong.

3. Bite off more than you can chew

Meaning: Take on more responsibility or work than you can handle.

  • Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew with this new project.
  • I think I’ve bitten off more than I can chew by agreeing to three deadlines this week.
  • The new employee bit off more than he could chew and is now struggling to keep up.

4. Put all your eggs in one basket

Meaning: Invest all your resources or efforts into a single course of action.

  • It’s risky to put all our eggs in one basket by relying on a single supplier.
  • “Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket, you should diversify your skill set to stay competitive.”
  • The company put all its eggs in one basket with this product launch, and it paid off.

5. Back to square one

Meaning: Return to the starting point after a failed attempt.

  • The client rejected our proposal, so we’re back to square one.
  • After the software crash, we had to go back to square one and rebuild the entire database.
  • If this marketing strategy doesn’t work, we’ll be back to square one.

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