In this lesson, you will learn 5 English expressions you must know. These English expressions are used by native English speakers and will help you speak English more fluently.


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1. “To think outside the box”

Meaning: To think creatively and come up with innovative ideas or solutions.

Example 1: “We need to think outside the box to solve this complex problem.”

Example 2: “Her ability to think outside the box led to a breakthrough in the project.”

Example 3: “The manager encouraged the team to think outside the box during the brainstorming session.”

2. “To keep someone in the loop”

Meaning: To keep someone informed about a situation or development.

Example 1: “Please keep me in the loop regarding any changes to the schedule.”

Example 2: “I’ll make sure to keep you in the loop as we progress with the negotiations.”

Example 3: “It’s important to keep all stakeholders in the loop throughout the project.”

3. “To get the ball rolling”

Meaning: To start a process or project.

Example 1: “Let’s get the ball rolling on this new initiative as soon as possible.”

Example 2: “I’ve sent out the initial emails to get the ball rolling on our marketing campaign.”

Example 3: “We need to get the ball rolling on hiring a new team member.”

4. “To be swamped”

Meaning: To be extremely busy or overwhelmed with work.

Example 1: “I’m swamped with reports this week, can we reschedule our meeting?”

Example 2: “The customer service team is swamped with calls due to the recent product launch.”

Example 3: “She’s been swamped ever since taking on the new project.”

5. “To be on board”

Meaning: To agree with or support an idea or plan.

Example 1: “Are you on board with the new marketing strategy?”

Example 2: “We need everyone to be on board before we implement these changes.”

Example 3: “The CEO is fully on board with our proposal for the new product line.”

6. “To drop the ball”

Meaning: To make a mistake or fail to do something important.

Example 1: “I’m sorry I dropped the ball on getting you those figures yesterday.”

Example 2: “We can’t afford to drop the ball on this important client account.”

Example 3: “The team dropped the ball by not meeting the project deadline.”

7. “To get up to speed”

Meaning: To acquire all the relevant information or skills to understand a situation or perform a task.

Example 1: “I’ll need a few days to get up to speed on the new software system.”

Example 2: “Can you help the new employee get up to speed on our company policies?”

Example 3: “It’s crucial to get up to speed quickly when joining a new project team.”

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