042 : Meet Liesl – An ESL Teacher now living in Austria




  1. Give their introduction
    • Liesl
    • 34 years old
    • A mother of 2 daughters
    • Grew up in the Pacific Northwest (USA)
    • Currently living in Vienna, Austria
    • Stay-at-home mom
    • Her and her husband love traveling so they moved to Austria
  2. Why did you become an English teacher and how long have you been an English teacher?
    • In Korea for a year and 4 months
    • After graduating wasn’t sure what she wanted to do
  3. Can you tell us about your first teaching experience?
    • Very nervous
    • Didn’t sleep well the night before
    • After the first day, she loved the students
  4. As a teacher, what have you noticed are the three best qualities of a good English student?
    • Have a sense of humor / Be able to laugh about it
    • Enjoy it
    • Put in the work be serious about it
  5. Did you ever have a favorite student? Tell us about him/her
    • Favorite classes
      • People of all age groups (mixed classes)
      • Spent time with them
  6. What is the hardest thing about teaching English?
    • English doesn’t follow all of the rules and makes it hard to teach
    • Trying to teach someone to make a sound that they don’t have in their language
  7. What do you enjoy most about teaching English?
    • The conversation groups
    • Learning about other cultures
  8. Do you speak another language? Tell us about it. / or / If you could learn another language, what language would you learn and why?
    • Currently learning German
    • Completed level 1
  9. Do you know any good English resources?
    • Children’s books in the English language
    • DuoLingo
    • YouTube channels about English
  10. Advice for other 2nd language teachers, students, and teachers
    • Use what you have and you will gain more knowledge
    • People will help you when you try
    • Don’t let fear overcome you
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