647 : Topical English Vocabulary Lesson With Teacher Tiffani about Gardening

In today’s episode, you will learn a series of vocabulary words that are connected to a specific topic. This lesson will help you improve your ability to speak English fluently about a specific topic. It will also help you feel more confident in your English abilities.

5 Vocabulary Words Related to the topic

1. Harvest (verb): To gather ripe fruits, vegetables, or herbs from a garden.

    • Example Sentences:

° It’s time to harvest the tomatoes when they turn red and juicy.

° The joy of harvesting homegrown vegetables is a rewarding experience for many gardeners.

° The harvest season varies depending on the type of plant and your local climate.

2. Seedling (noun): A young plant that has just sprouted from a seed.

    • Example Sentences:

° Once seedlings have developed several sets of leaves, you can transplant them into larger pots or your garden bed.

° Delicate seedlings need protection from strong winds and harsh sunlight.

° Growing your own seedlings from seeds is a cost-effective way to start your garden.

3. Dormant (adjective): In a state of inactivity during the winter or other unfavorable conditions.

    • Example Sentences:

° Many plants become dormant in the winter, when they stop growing and conserve energy.

° During their dormant period, some plants may lose their leaves or appear dead.

° It’s important to avoid overwatering dormant plants as they require less moisture.

4. Blooming (verb): To produce flowers.

    • Example Sentences:

° My roses are blooming beautifully this year thanks to the mild weather.

° The garden is bursting with color as all the spring flowers are blooming.

° Knowing the blooming time of different plants helps you plan your garden for a continuous display of color.

5. Vining (adjective): Describes a plant that climbs or trails and needs support to grow upright.

    • Example Sentences:

° Tomatoes and peas are vining plants that require stakes or trellises to grow properly.

° Clematis is a beautiful vining flower that can add vertical interest to your garden.

° Choosing the right support system depends on the weight and growth habit of your vining plant.

A Paragraph using the 5 vocabulary words

Gardening is a delightful way to connect with nature and watch life blossom before your eyes. As winter loosens its grip, dormant bulbs begin to sprout, pushing shy seedling leaves towards the warming sun. Tender care is needed during this vulnerable stage, protecting them from harsh elements until they establish strong roots. Beautiful vining flowers, can be strategically planted to weave their way through an archway, creating a stunning vertical cascade of colorful blooms throughout the season. With consistent watering, sunshine, and perhaps some organic fertilizer, your garden will erupt in a vibrant display of blooming flowers and flourishing vegetables. The satisfaction of harvesting homegrown tomatoes, crisp lettuce, or fragrant herbs makes all the effort worthwhile, and the cycle begins anew as you save seeds for next season’s bounty.

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