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Short Reminder:

  • “Provide enough support for your thoughts, ideas, and opinions by giving 3 details, 3 examples, or 3 reasons.”

Part 1 | 3 Details

Explanation: The first part of this rule focuses on the important details of the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener visualize what you are talking about.

Topic & Question: Life goal [What is your biggest life goal?]

My Response: My ultimate life goal is to be a successful author.

3 Details:

1. Perfecting my writing skills [Facts.Details]

2. Publishing my original novels [Facts.Details]

3. Having my works recognized by prominent literary critics [Facts.Details]

Support for my Response:

“My biggest life goal is to become a successful author. It involves perfecting my writing skills, publishing my original novels, and having my works recognized by prominent literary critics.”

Prominent: Standing out or easily noticeable; important or well-known.

Part 2 | 3 Examples

Explanation: The second part of this rule focuses on examples of the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener understand more by giving them real-life example situations.

Topic & Question: Life goal [What is your biggest life goal?]

My Response: My ultimate life goal is to be a successful author.

3 Examples:

1. Working on my first novel[Situation]

2. Attending writing workshops regularly to improve my storytelling abilities [Situation]

3. Contributing to a local literature magazine [Situation]

Support for my Response:

“My ultimate life goal is to be a successful author. For example, I am currently working on my first novel which is a historical fiction based on World War II, and I attend writing workshops regularly to improve my storytelling abilities. Additionally, I have been contributing to a local literature magazine, which has helped me get my work out there and receive feedback.”

Contributing: Participating in a project or activity by providing help, support, or input.

Part 3 | 3 Reasons

Explanation: The third part of this rule focuses on giving specific reasons for your ideas on the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener understand your thought process and how you developed your idea.

Topic & Question: Life goal [What is your biggest life goal?]

My Response: My ultimate life goal is to be a successful author.

3 Reasons:

1. I am passionate about storytelling [Support]

2. Strong desire to leave my mark on the literature world [Support]

3. I can express my thoughts, feelings, and perspectives [Support]

Support for my Response:

“I want to become a successful author. The first reason why this is my biggest life goal is because of my passion for storytelling. Secondly, I also have a strong desire to leave my mark on the world of literature. Finally, I believe that through writing, I can express my thoughts, feelings, and perspectives in a way that would be impactful to readers around the world.”

Leave my mark: To make a lasting impact or significant contribution that will be remembered.

Perspectives: Points of view or ways of considering things.

Impactful: Having a significant effect or influence.

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