THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH | Answer any question in English Episode 5

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Part #1 | Would you rather drive a car or take a bus?


WHO: Cristina

WHAT: Drive a car

WHEN: During the week

WHERE: To work

WHY: It is more convenient


“During the week, Cristina would rather drive a car to work because it is more convenient.”

iPad Examples – [Already typed out: Variations using the same information]

  1. Cristina said driving a car is more convenient. So, during the week, she usually drives her car to work.
  2. During the week, Cristina usually drives to work. She says that it is actually more convenient.
  3. Cristina has to go to work during the week. So, she usually drives because it is more convenient.

Rather: used to show that you prefer to have or do one thing more than another

Convenient: suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

Part #2 | When was your best vacation?


WHO: My homegirls and I

WHAT: Went on vacation

WHEN: In 2014

WHERE: To an island

WHY: For our spring break


“My best vacation was in 2014 when I traveled to an island with my homegirls for our spring break.”

iPad Examples – [Already typed out: Variations using the same information]

  1. In 2014, my homegirls and I went to an island for our spring break. I can honestly say that it was my best vacation.
  2. For our spring break in 2014, my homegirls and I decided to go on vacation. We went to an island, and it was the best vacation ever.
  3. My homegirls and I went to an island in 2014. We wanted to go on vacation because it was our spring break.

Spring break: A week’s vacation for students in the spring, typically at Easter

Homegirls: This is a slang term used to refer to your female friends

Part #3 | How often do you drink water?


WHO: Mark

WHAT: Drinks water

WHEN: All throughout the day

WHERE: At work

WHY: He usually gets parched when he teaches


“Mark drinks water throughout the day at work because he usually gets parched when he teaches.”

iPad Examples – [Already typed out: Variations using the same information]

  1. Mark usually gets parched when he teaches. So, he drinks water throughout the day at work.
  2. At work, Mark drinks water throughout the day. He does this because he usually gets parched when he teaches.
  3. When Mark teaches, he usually gets parched. So, he drinks water throughout the day at work.

Throughout: In every part, or during the whole period of time

Parched: Extremely thirsty

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