THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH | How To Talk About Your Job Fluently In English

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Part #1 | Job – Journalist


WHO: Samantha, A journalist

WHAT: Writes articles about health

WHEN: Every morning

WHERE: Community workspace

WHY: She has always enjoyed sharing information about staying healthy


“Samantha is currently working as a journalist for a newspaper in her hometown. Every morning she writes articles about health at the local community workspace. Being a journalist brings her so much joy because she has always enjoyed sharing information about staying healthy.”

Hometown: the town of one’s birth or early life or of one’s present fixed residence.

Brings someone joy: If something brings joy, it makes people experience joy or have joy

Part #2 | Job – Metalworker


WHO: Mark, a professional metalworker

WHAT: Builds heavy machinery

WHEN: For the last 10 years

WHERE: At his family’s metal shop

WHY: He is the most skilled metalworker in his family


“Mark has been working as a professional metalworker for the last 10 years. He is well known for his metalwork in the community. He is also the most skilled metalworker in his family. So, he enjoys building heavy machinery at the metal shop his family owns.”

Well known: Known widely or thoroughly

Heavy machinery: Large pieces of machinery or equipment, especially those used in the building industry

Part #3 | Job – Accountant


WHO: John, an accountant for a small tech shop

WHAT: Crunches the numbers

WHEN: At the close of business

WHERE: In the supply room

WHY: He learned the importance of regularly balancing your books


“John is an accountant for a small tech shop downtown. In school, he learned what it meant to “balance the books”. So, as a rule of thumb, he crunches the numbers in the supply room at the close of business every day.”

Balance the books: Literally, to ensure that the figures regarding credit and debit are correct and to determine the remaining balance, as in a business or in personal finance.

A rule of thumb: A method of procedure based on experience and common sense

Crunch the numbers: To process numbers**:** to examine and analyze numbers, especially to determine exactly how much money is available, needed, etc.

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