24-Hour English Challenge

By watching this video lesson, you will learn the 5 steps you need to do the 24-Hour English Challenge. Remember to participate so that you can be one of the 5 Winners!



Step 1 | PICK

  • Pick one word that you already know
  • Description: The goal of this step is for you to find a word that you already can use comfortably in conversations.

Step 2 | FIND

  • Find one word for each letter. Remember that they need to be words you don’t already know.
  • 3 Examples
    • HAPPY
      • Hyper
      • Analogy
      • Pedantic
      • Peruse
      • Yield
      • Endeavor
      • Negate
      • Gouge
      • Livid
      • Ingenious
      • Saturate
      • Horrendous
      • Lavish
      • Edible
      • Arduous
      • Repetitive
      • Novice
      • Indecent
      • Notable
      • Galore

Step 3 | DIVIDE

  • Divide your day based on the number of words you have
  • MY DAY: 4am – 9pm (17 hours)
    • HAPPY [5] — 17 divided by 5 = 3.4
      1. 4am – 7:30am | Hyper
      2. 7:30am – 11am | Analogy
      3. 11am – 2:30pm | Pedantic
      4. 2:30pm – 6pm | Peruse
      5. 6pm – 9pm | Yield
    • ENGLISH [7] — 17 divided by 7 = 2.43
      1. 4am – 6:30am | Endeavor
      2. 6:30am – 9am | Negate
      3. 9am – 11:30am | Gouge
      4. 11:30am – 2pm | Livid
      5. 2pm – 4:30pm | Ingenious
      6. 4:30pm – 7pm | Saturate
      7. 7pm – 9pm | Horrendous
    • LEARNING [8] — 17 divided by 8 = 2.13
      1. 4am – 6am | Lavish
      2. 6am – 8am | Edible
      3. 8am – 10am | Arduous
      4. 10am – 12pm | Repetitive
      5. 12pm – 2pm | Novice
      6. 2pm – 4pm | Indecent
      7. 4pm – 6pm | Notable
      8. 6pm – 9pm | Galore

Step 4 | DEFINE

  • Learn the meanings [LEARNING]
    1. 4am – 6am | Lavish
      • Meaning: Using or giving in great amounts; Large in quantity and expensive or impressive
      • Sentence: The lavish production made his musical truly memorable.
    2. 6am – 8am | Edible
      • Meaning: Suitable or safe for eating
      • Sentence: The leaves of this plant are edible.
    3. 8am – 10am | Arduous
      • Meaning: Difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy
      • Sentence: The athlete had to go through hours of arduous training.
    4. 10am – 12pm | Repetitive
      • Meaning: Containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome
      • Sentence: The factory workers have to do a lot of repetitive jobs.d
    5. 12pm – 2pm | Novice
      • Meaning: A person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation
      • Sentence: This task can be difficult for novice designers to complete.
    6. 2pm – 4pm | Indecent
      • Meaning: Not appropriate or fitting; not conforming with generally accepted standards of behavior or propriety; obscene
      • Sentence: She accused him of making an indecent comment.
    7. 4pm – 6pm | Notable
      • Meaning: Worthy of attention or notice; remarkable; prominent or important
      • Sentence: They have a notable collection of exotic plants.
    8. 6pm – 9pm | Galore
      • Meaning: In great numbers; in abundance
      • Sentence: This shop has desserts galore.

Step 5 | USE

  • Use the words throughout the day
    1. 4am – 6am | Lavish – I decided to make a lavish breakfast for my family this morning.
    2. 6am – 8am | Edible – The apples were not edible, so I used strawberries instead.
    3. 8am – 10am | Arduous – Responding to all the emails was a very arduous task.
    4. 10am – 12pm | Repetitive – Recording the same podcast intro over and over again was a repetitive task.
    5. 12pm – 2pm | Novice – I used to be a novice video editor, but now I am an expert.
    6. 2pm – 4pm | Indecent – That comment under the YouTube video was very indecent.
    7. 4pm – 6pm | Notable – I decided to purchase a notable business book from the bookstore down the street.
    8. 6pm – 9pm | Galore – My friend’s freezer had ice cream galore.
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10 months ago

Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.


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