By watching this video lesson, you will learn 5 English Words that will help you sound more like a native English speaker.


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Sunday: Procrastination

Meaning: The act of delaying or postponing tasks.
Sentence 1: John struggled with procrastination and often left his work until the last minute.
Sentence 2: Don’t let procrastination get in the way of your success.
Sentence 3: Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress and missed deadlines.

Monday: Prioritize

Meaning: To determine the order of importance of tasks or activities.
Sentence 1: To meet the deadline, it is necessary to prioritize the most critical tasks.
Sentence 2: She always prioritizes her health and well-being above other commitments.
Sentence 3: It would help if you prioritized your goals based on their long-term impact.

Tuesday: Delegate

Meaning: to give (control, responsibility, authority, etc.) to someone : to trust someone with (a job, duty, etc.)
Sentence 1: To save time, he delegated some of his work to his colleagues.
Sentence 2: Successful leaders know how to delegate tasks efficiently and utilize their team’s strengths.
Sentence 3: One of the key skills of a successful leader is knowing how to delegate tasks effectively.

Wednesday: Multitask

Meaning: The ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
Sentence 1: While multitasking may seem efficient, studies show that it often leads to decreased productivity.
Sentence 2: I find it challenging to focus on one task when I’m constantly multitasking.
Sentence 3: Prioritizing tasks and avoiding multitasking can improve time management skills.

Thursday: Efficiency

Meaning: The ability to accomplish tasks with minimum wasted time or effort.
Sentence 1: The key to time management is finding ways to increase efficiency and complete tasks faster.
Sentence 2: He developed a system that allowed him to work with efficiency and effectiveness.
Sentence 3: One way to improve productivity is by optimizing efficiency.

Friday: Deep work

Meaning: Focused and uninterrupted work on a cognitively demanding task.
Sentence 1: He reserved blocks of time for deep work to tackle complex projects without distractions.
Sentence 2: Deep work requires concentration and minimizing interruptions to maximize productivity.
Sentence 3: She found that deep work sessions in the morning were the most productive for her.

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