By watching this video lesson, you will learn the tips you need to finally speak English fluently.


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  1. Avoid Using Google Translate Exclusively:
    • Lack of Context: Google Translate may not provide accurate translations without context.
    • Limited Vocabulary: It often gives you literal translations, which may not cover the full range of meanings.
    • Incorrect Phrasing: It can produce sentences that sound unnatural to native speakers.
  2. Avoid translating word-for-word from your native language [Transliterating]:
    • Contextual Meaning: Translating word for word may not convey the intended meaning in English.
    • Awkward Phrasing: It often results in awkward and unnatural-sounding sentences.
    • Difficulty in Comprehension: Native speakers may find it hard to understand transliterations.
  3. Avoid a Monotone Voice:
    • Clarity: Using intonation and stress patterns helps convey your message clearly.
    • Engagement: A varied tone keeps your listeners engaged in the conversation.
    • Natural Sound: Native speakers use intonation to sound more natural; mimic this for fluency.
  4. Avoid the habit of Using the Same Words:
    • Expressive Range: A varied vocabulary allows you to express ideas more precisely.
    • Avoid Repetition: Using synonyms reduces redundancy in your speech and writing.
    • Enhanced Communication: A diverse vocabulary makes your language more engaging.
  5. Avoid Speaking Too Quickly:
    • Clarity: Speaking at a moderate pace ensures your words are clear and understood.
    • Reduced Miscommunication: Slower speech reduces the chances of miscommunication.
    • Confidence: Speaking slowly helps build confidence in your articulation.
  6. Avoid Memorizing Without Context:
    • Meaningful Usage: Memorizing in context ensures you understand how and when to use words or phrases.
    • Retention: Contextual learning aids in the long-term retention of vocabulary.
    • Natural Fluency: Contextual knowledge leads to more natural and fluent conversations.
  7. Avoid Overthinking:
    • Natural Flow: Overthinking can disrupt the natural flow of conversation.
    • Increased Fluency: Relaxing and speaking without overthinking can lead to improved fluency.
    • Reduced Anxiety: Overcoming overthinking reduces anxiety when speaking.

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