Conversation topics for your first experience in speaking

The time is now. It’s what you’ve been preparing for. All that studying, and it comes down to this. You’re finally going to be able to experience conversing in English first hand. Are you ready? I bet you’re worried about a million things right now, aren’t you? Like your pronunciation, will people understand you? What about your vocabulary knowledge? Do you know enough to converse? How about your accent? Do you think your accent may make things unclear? So much to worry about but relax, you’ve been preparing for this exact moment. Be confident! You’ve got this! Ok, well, there is maybe one thing you should worry about: conversation topics. What can you even talk about? What’s even good to talk about? Are there any things you should avoid talking about? There’s a lot of questions now that might be running through your head, but, like always, I’m here to help!

Start simple to gain experience

You’re just starting to speak English. There’s so many topics of conversation to choose from. You may be interested in politics, soccer, or even bird watching. You want to get out there and talk about things you enjoy, don’t you? That’s great! However, you may be biting off more than you can chew if you do that. You see, you need to be able to have short and simple conversations before you move on to the more in depth ones. That’s why starting with simple conversation starters. Questions like “Where are you from?” And “What’s your name?” are good questions for conversation English for beginners.
How To Pass IELTS Speaking

Best conversation topics for beginners

Ah, English conversation for beginners. Don’t worry, you’re taking a step in the right direction because if you’re here right now, reading this post, it means that you believe you’re good enough to start conversing in English. Your confidence must be there somewhere, and it’s time to let it shine. Now, conversation for beginners differs a little bit from more advance speakers because we try to avoid deep, thought provoking conversations. Whereas once you reach intermediate and advanced levels, you’re encouraged to provoke all the thoughts you want. So, without further ado, let’s go over some of the vest conversation topics for beginners.

Generic questions

Generic questions are a great way to spark conversation! Now, if you’ve been learning English for a while, then you may find these questions a little easy because these questions are definitely geared towards English speaking for beginners. You can use any of the following questions to spark conversation.

  1. What is your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. What do you do?
  4. What do/did you study?
  5. What do you want to do when you’re older?

Lifestyle questions

These questions are used when you want to get to know someone a little better. We all have different interests and hobbies, but nine times out of ten, the one thing we do have in common is family and this life we are living. So, that’s why this is one of the first things people learn how to talk about when they embark on learning English.

  1. How many people are in your family?
  2. Are you married?
  3. Do you have any children? Do you want any children?
  4. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
  5. What do your parents do for work?

How To Pass IELTS Speaking

Interests questions

Okay, these are still English speaking topics for beginners, so tread lightly here, but you could also ask people what their hobbies or interests are. Really get to know someone, and perhaps see if you may have something in common with someone, by learning their interests.

  1. What’s your favorite sport?
  2. What do you do in your free time?
  3. Do you like reading?
  4. Do you like listening to music?
  5. How do you like to relax?

Food questions

What’s another thing that all humans have in common? Food! We all must eat to survive. Food and cooking is extremely universal. There’s so many different types of foods out there. Also l, food and cooking has become extremely more popular lately, which makes it easy for most people to talk about.

  1. What’s your favorite food?
  2. Do you like to cook?
  3. Are you vegetarian?
  4. Do you like spicy food?
  5. Who cooks best in your house?

Vacationing questions

Vacations are great no matter where in the world you’re from, right? I mean, everyone loves to travel and be on vacation. No work, new environment, relaxation, it’s the life! Usually, everyone has a favorite vacation destination, don’t they? Or maybe they have a vacation planned? Well, ask and see. Use traveling as a gateway to get to know one another.

  1. Where’s the best place you’ve visited on vacation?
  2. Do you like to travel?
  3. When was your last vacation?
  4. Do you prefer to travel alone or in a group?
  5. Do you plan your vacation in advance or do you go with the flow?

All in all, there’s a million different ways you can start a conversation in English, no matter what level of English you’re on. However, if you’re a beginner, and this is your first experience with actually conversing in English, I would highly recommend you use some of these conversation starters I listed here in this post. Get comfortable speaking about these topics first before you move on to the more difficult ones. The more conversations you have, the more you will understand how the flow of conversation works, and the better you will get. You don’t have to worry about speaking English perfectly right from the start. Start small and work your way up. Now, there’s plenty of English speakers out in this world, go out and have some fun speaking English!

How To Pass IELTS Speaking

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