Do These 5 Things Today And Speak English Better

In this lesson, you will learn 5 things that will immediately help you speak English better.


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#1 | WRITE

Write down your favorite (or new) English words & expressions

Explanation: Writing down your favorite English words and expressions will remind you that you are smart enough to speak English. It will also help you to use the words and expressions more often.


Record an audio clip about your day

Explanation: Recording an audio clip about your day will help you overcome your fear of speaking in English. It will also help you gain confidence in your speaking ability because you will be speaking about something you know well.

#3 | TEACH

Teach someone what you know

Explanation: Teaching someone else the English you know will actually help your English improve. It will give you more confidence in your understanding of the language and also increase your chances of using what you taught.

#4 | WATCH

Watch a real English conversation between native English speakers

Explanation: Watching a real English conversation will actually help you learn more natural English words and expressions. It will also help you learn how to communicate your ideas more clearly in English.

#5 | FIND

Find a partner

Explanation: Finding a partner to study English with will help you practice what you are learning. It will also help you feel more excited to speak English.

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