Episode 003 : English Vocabulary (Abandon // Abdicate)



This is the SpeakEnglishWithTiffani podcast with Teacher Tiffani session #3. If you would like to read the transcript that goes along with this episode, go to speakenglishwithtiffani.com/episode3.

Welcome to the Speak English with Tiffani podcast where you will learn English Vocabulary, Expressions, Idioms and much more! This podcast will take your English ability to the next level and help you to be more confident and more fluent when you Speak English. Are you ready? Well then, let’s jump right in!

Hey everyone, I’m Teacher Tiffani and I want to thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the Speak English with Tiffani podcast. In today’s lesson we are going to listen to one English dialogue and learn 2 new English Vocabulary Words.


Ok, let’s begin with the dialogue:

I recently watched the Netflix series called, “The Crown”. The show is based on the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It also talks about Edward VIII, who abandoned his family and his duty because of love. He abdicated eleven months after coming to the throne in order to marry the American divorcee Mrs Wallis Simpson.


I recently watched the Netflix series called, “The Crown”. The show is based on the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It also talks about Edward VIII, who abandoned his family and his duty because of love. He abdicated eleven months after coming to the throne in order to marry the American divorcee Mrs Wallis Simpson.

Ok great, now let’s go over the two new vocabulary words that were in the dialogue.


The first vocabulary word was…
“Abandon” (repeat)

Now, repeat after me…
“Abandon” (repeat twice)

Ok, now let’s say it at a normal pace…
“Abandon” (repeat twice)

This vocabulary word means to give up completely a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking; It also means to cease to support or look after (someone); or desert.


So, let’s look at five examples using this vocabulary word.

The first example is…

“Her mother abandoned her when she was only 5 years old.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“Her mother abandoned her when she was only 5 years old.”
[Now, this time we will go at a more natural pace and I want you to try to follow me]

“Her mother abandoned her when she was only 5 years old.”

The second example is…

“That house has been abandoned since last year.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“That house has been abandoned since last year.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“That house has been abandoned since last year.”

The third example is…

“Our company decided to buy the abandoned building.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“Our company decided to buy the abandoned building.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“Our company decided to buy the abandoned building.”

The fourth example is…

“He abandoned all hopes of trying to succeed.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“He abandoned all hopes of trying to succeed.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“He abandoned all hopes of trying to succeed.”

The fifth example is…

“The man was still mad about his father abandoning him when he was a child.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“The man was still mad about his father abandoning him when he was a child.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“The man was still mad about his father abandoning him when he was a child.”


Ok good deal, now let’s go over the second vocabulary word that was in the dialogue.

The second vocabulary word was…
“Abdicate” (repeat)

Now, repeat after me…
“Abdicate” (repeat twice)

Ok, now let’s say it at a normal pace…
“Abdicate” (repeat twice)

This vocabulary word usually refers to a monarch renouncing his or her throne. It also means a failure to fulfill or undertake a responsibility or duty.


So, let’s look at five examples using this vocabulary word.

The first example is…

“In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.”
[Now, this time we will go at a more natural pace and I want you to try to follow me]

“In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated as German emperor.”

The second example is…

“Ferdinand abdicated the throne in favor of the emperor’s brother.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“Ferdinand abdicated the throne in favor of the emperor’s brother.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“Ferdinand abdicated the throne in favor of the emperor’s brother.”

The third example is…

“The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“The government was accused of abdicating its responsibility.”

The fourth example is…

“They were forced to abdicate, and the government took full control.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“They were forced to abdicate, and the government took full control.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“They were forced to abdicate, and the government took full control.”

The fifth example is…

“The king decided to abdicate in favor of his son.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“The king decided to abdicate in favor of his son.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“The king decided to abdicate in favor of his son.”


Ok, now let’s listen to the original dialogue again and see if you can recognize the 2 English vocabulary words.

I recently watched the Netflix series called, “The Crown”. The show is based on the early reign of Queen Elizabeth II. It also talks about Edward VIII, who abandoned his family and his duty because of love. He abdicated eleven months after coming to the throne in order to marry the American divorcee Mrs Wallis Simpson.

Did you hear them this time? Great! Excellent job! You now know 2 new English vocabulary words.

  1. Abandon
  2. Abdicate

These vocabulary words will help you Speak English clearly, fluently, and confidently. So try to use these vocabulary words at least one time today!


Remember, if you want to see the transcript for this episode go to speakenglishwithtiffani.com/episode3.

This has been Teacher Tiffani with the Speak English with Tiffani podcast. Until next time, remember to Speak English!


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7 years ago

Hi, teacher Tiffani! I’m glad to hear your voice in the podcast too!

I learned these two words today so I tried to make sentences.

My dad found an abondoned dog on the street, we decided to look after him.

The Japanese government has decided that the Emperor abdicates on April 30 2019 and new Emperor succeedes on May 1 2019.

4 years ago

Hi teacher tiffany, i am new here , i has been following you on youtube and i decided to listen your podcast. I am very enjoying it. i want to thank you for all

4 years ago

I am greedy for english with you. I always want to listen and watch you. I hope I meet with you some day and I learn English degree in perfect

Egla Londise
Egla Londise
3 years ago

Hi Teacher Tiffani
I recently saw video in YT, so I decided jump to the right in since beginning.

3 years ago

My friend was abandoned by his parents as a child.

The president abdicates because the Senate dismisses him.

Elizabeth PL
Elizabeth PL
1 year ago

Hi teacher Tiff,
My examples:
I abandoned my previous job.
She abdicated to live with a poor man


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11 months ago

Hi teacher Tiffany I has been following you on you tube and now I decided to listen your podcast. I want to thank you for everything 🙏 you are doing with you wonderful ❤️ classes and many blessings 🙌 I wish you.

11 months ago

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