008 : English Idioms (Can’t make heads or tails of it // Can’t stomach it)



This is the SpeakEnglishWithTiffani podcast with Teacher Tiffani session #8. If you would like to read the transcript that goes along with this episode, go to speakenglishwithtiffani.com/episode8.    

Welcome to the Speak English with Tiffani podcast where you will learn English Vocabulary, Expressions, Idioms and much more! This podcast will take your English ability to the next level and help you to be more confident and more fluent when you Speak English. Are you ready? Well then, let’s jump right in!

Hey everyone, I’m Teacher Tiffani and I want to thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the Speak English with Tiffani podcast. In today’s lesson we are going to listen to one English dialogue and learn 2 new English Idioms.


Ok, let’s begin with the dialogue:

Hey, sorry we are a bit late. To be totally honest with you, I couldn’t make heads or tails of the directions you gave me earlier. So, I just decided to use Google Maps. But, there is a little problem. My husband can’t stomach the sight of brussel sprouts. So, would you guys mind if we ate at a different restaurant? He would really appreciate it.


Hey, sorry we are a bit late. To be totally honest with you, I couldn’t make heads or tails of the directions you gave me earlier. So, I just decided to use Google Maps. But, there is a little problem. My husband can’t stomach the sight of brussel sprouts. So, would you guys mind if we ate at a different restaurant? He would really appreciate it.

Ok great, now let’s go over the two new idioms that were in the dialogue.


The first English Idiom was…
“Can’t make heads or tails of it…” (repeat)

Now, repeat after me…
“Can’t make heads or tails of it…” (repeat twice)

Ok, now let’s say it at a normal pace…
“Can’t make heads or tails of it…” (repeat twice)

This idiom means that something is too difficult or complicated for someone to understand.


So, let’s look at five examples using this Idiom.

The first example is…

“I have been working with the new software for days, but I still can’t make heads or tails of it.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“I have been working with the new software for days, but I still can’t make heads or tails of it.”
[Now, this time we will go at a more natural pace and I want you to try to follow me]

“I have been working with the new software for days, but I still can’t make heads or tails of it.”

The second example is…

“He couldn’t make heads or tails of his new boss.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“He couldn’t make heads or tails of his new boss.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“He couldn’t make heads or tails of his new boss.”

The third example is…

I can’t make heads or tails of the report.
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

I can’t make heads or tails of the report.
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

I can’t make heads or tails of the report.

The fourth example is…

“The doctor couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on with the patient.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“The doctor couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on with the patient.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“The doctor couldn’t make heads or tails of what was going on with the patient.”

The fifth example is…

“Amber couldn’t make heads or tails of it.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“Amber couldn’t make heads or tails of it.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“Amber couldn’t make heads or tails of it.”


Ok good deal, now let’s go over the second idiom that was in the dialogue.

The second English Idiom was…
“Can’t stomach it” (repeat)

Now, repeat after me…
“Can’t stomach it” (repeat twice)

Ok, now let’s say it at a normal pace…
“Can’t stomach it” (repeat twice)

This idiom means to not be able to put up or tolerate with someone or something..


So, let’s look at five examples using this idiom.

The first example is…

“I cannot stomach violent movies.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“I cannot stomach violent movies.”
[Now, this time we will go at a more natural pace and I want you to try to follow me]

“I cannot stomach violent movies.”

The second example is…

“The boy could not stomach the teasing from his classmates.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“The boy could not stomach the teasing from his classmates.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“The boy could not stomach the teasing from his classmates.”

The third example is…

“My mom couldn’t stomach the food.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“My mom couldn’t stomach the food.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“My mom couldn’t stomach the food.”

The fourth example is…

“I couldn’t stomach it.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“I couldn’t stomach it.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“I couldn’t stomach it.”

The fifth example is…

“He couldn’t stomach the sight of his ex-girlfriend.”
[Once again, this time repeat after me]

“He couldn’t stomach the sight of his ex-girlfriend.”
[Now, the last time at a regular pace]

“He couldn’t stomach the sight of his ex-girlfriend.”


Ok, now let’s listen to the original dialogue again and see if you can recognize the 2 English Idioms.

“Hey, sorry we are a bit late. To be totally honest with you, I couldn’t make heads or tails of the directions you gave me earlier. So, I just decided to use Google Maps. But, there is a little problem. My husband can’t stomach the sight of brussel sprouts. So, would you guys mind if we ate at a different restaurant? He would really appreciate it.”

Did you hear them this time? Great! Excellent job! You now know 2 new English Idioms.

  1. Can’t make heads or tails of it
  2. Can’t stomach it

These idioms will help you Speak English clearly, fluently, and confidently. So try to use these idioms at least one time today!


Remember, if you want to see the transcript for this episode go to speakenglishwithtiffani.com/episode8.

This has been Teacher Tiffani with the Speak English with Tiffani podcast. Until next time, remember to Speak English!

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4 years ago

You are totally amazing, thanks for you lesson

Last edited 4 years ago by Damaris
4 years ago

I am studying by the skin of my teeeth. and when I able to speak or understand english it be butterflys in my stomach. I am glad you so so soooo much

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Hello everyone and thank you teacher Tiffani for your podcast is very useful for me, in this lesson, I have a question, can I say “I can’t make heads of it”? Or is necessary to say “I can make heads or tails of it”?


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