How to have an advanced English conversation like a native English speaker

By watching this video lesson, you will learn the 4 parts of an advanced English conversation. You will gain more confidence and start speaking like a native English speaker



  1. Master small talk (Definition/What it is, Elements of small talk, and proper questions.topics)
    • Definition: “Polite conversation about unimportant or uncontroversial matters, especially as engaged in on social occasions”
    • Elements of small talk
      • Show a genuine interest
      • Ask open-ended questions (Open-ended: “Having no determined limit or boundary”)
        • “Where are you from?”
        • “How did you hear about this event?”
        • “What do you do?”
        • “How was your day?”
        • “How was work?”
      • [Never talk about something too personal (Person’s beliefs, health, or political views)]
      • Practice active listening


  1. Know when to transition from small talk to deep conversation
    • By actively listening during the “small talk phase”, you will recognize an interesting topic that you can dive deeper into
    • Good transition statements:
      • You mentioned that you _________________. What are your thoughts on ______________?
      • I also like ____________. Have you ever ______________?
      • Can you tell me a bit more about ______________


  1. Understand the elements of a deep conversation
    • Asking about information (Who, what, when, where, why // Details // Reasons // Examples)
    • Giving information (After the person gives their response, you respond to their answer and then give your answer as well.)
    • Then follow it up with another question for them. → Back and forth – Learn how to balance [Learn the back and forth rhythm]
    • Discovering new information together → If something comes up that you both are interested in, look up something online that is related to it and relay the new information to the person you are speaking with. They may also find something as well. (This is not mandatory, but it is very common in modern times.)


  1. Learn how to properly & naturally end a conversation
    • Summarize
    • Thank them for talking
    • Leave an open “invitation” for another conversation in the future
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