How To Study English When You Don’t Have Time

By watching this video lesson, you will learn the 5 methods you need to finally study English when you are busy. The 5 methods given in this lesson will help you feel more confident when you learn new English vocabulary words.



Method #1 | “15-minute morning routine”

  • Description: The first method is the “15-minute morning routine”. Basically, you will create a 15-minute morning routine where you learn 1 word, 1 expression, 1 idiom, and 1 question for the day. This method focuses on making English a priority at the start of your day.
  • Benefits:
    1. You won’t feel stressed about studying for a long period of time
    2. You will remain ‘laser focused’ during the 15-minute period
    3. You will feel more confident because you know that you are studying every single day
  • How to:
    1. Pick a specific time in the morning (It must be the same time every day)
    2. For the first 5 minutes search for 1 word, 1 expression, 1 idiom, and 1 question
    3. For the next 5 minutes memorize the word, expression, and idiom
    4. For the last 5 minutes read the question and give your answer (speaking out loud)

Method #2 | “Weekly Flashcards”

  • Description: The second method is “Weekly Flashcards”. Basically, you will create 50 weekly flashcards and carry 10 of them with you every day. This method focuses on regularly reviewing small chunks of information.
  • Benefits:
    1. You will have a study plan for each week
    2. You will be able to carry them with you throughout the day
    3. You will be able to start your own English database from the collection of flashcards
  • How to:
    1. At the beginning of the week select 50 things that you want to learn (words, expressions, idioms, grammar rules, formulas, etc)
    2. On one side of the card write the title or focus of the card is
    3. On the other side of the card write the definition, explanation, or example
    4. Every day select 10 different cards and review them periodically throughout the day
    5. At the end of the week review all 50 cards to see which ones you remember

Method #3 | “Weekly English Video”

  • Description: The third method is “Weekly English Video”. Basically, you will select and watch 1 English lesson video every single day for a week. This method focuses on mastering the ideas and concepts presented in one video lesson each week.
  • Benefits:
    1. You will naturally start to understand and apply the information
    2. You will master the idea, concept, and/or words
    3. You will notice more than just the lesson. In other words, you will begin to understand the pronunciation, word order chosen by the teacher, and many other things
  • How to:
    1. At the beginning of the week find one interesting English lesson (The type of lesson is up to you. For example, multiple vocabulary words, fluency formulas, etc)
    2. On day 1, watch the video lesson without taking any notes
    3. On day 2, watch the video lesson again and write down the things that you learned
    4. On day 3, watch the video lesson again and write anything else that you missed the first two times you watched the video lesson. Compare and combine your notes with the notes from day 2.
    5. On day 4, watch the video lesson again and then write the 3 main points of the lesson. (For videos about words, you can write the 3 words that you liked the most)
    6. On day 5, watch the video lesson again and then find 3 ways to apply what you learned to your daily life.
    7. On day 6, review what you wrote in your notes on day 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Method #4 | “Pick one & Use It”

  • Description: The fourth method is “Pick one & Use It”. Basically, you will pick one word, expression, or concept for a day and use it to describe your daily activities. This method focuses on immediately applying what you learn to every part of your life.
  • Benefits:
    1. You will start to think more in English
    2. You will understand how easy it is to connect English to your life
    3. You will start to remember words, expressions, and concepts a lot faster
  • How to:
    1. Select one word, expression, or concept
    2. In the morning, find 2 activities that you can describe using the word, expression, or concept
    3. In the afternoon, find 2 activities that you can describe using the word, expression, or concept
    4. In the evening, find 2 activities that you can describe using the word, expression, or concept

Method #5 | “Jot Down Quick Notes”

  • Description: The fifth method is “Jot Down Quick Notes”. Basically, you will create a phone (or small notebook) note every day, update it whenever you learn something, and review it at the end of the day. This method focuses on grasping the main ideas or concepts and reviewing them.
  • Benefits:
    1. You will start to learn how to grab the main points/ideas in English
    2. You will create a database of new things that you learned
    3. You will get in the habit of thinking in English throughout your day
  • How to:
    1. Find a small notebook (or you can use your phone)
    2. As you go throughout your day, quickly write down all the new English words/expressions/concepts that you learn (Remember that these should be very short notes)
    3. At the end of the day, when you are relaxed, take out your notebook (or phone list) and quickly review what you learned that day
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4 years ago

Amazing. Thanks a lot. I love your stories. It´s very funny.

1 year ago

Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks. nimabi


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