Learn Real English From Real English Conversations Episode 1

By watching this video lesson, you will Learn the simple rule that will help you to finally speak English fluently.


Conversation #1


Me: “How is communication changing between people?”

Chanel: “So, first off, communication is not happening at all.”

Me: “At all?”

Chanel: “Nope. In my opinion, it really doesn’t happen.”

Me: “Wow…Can you dive into that idea a little bit more?”

Chanel: “Usually we don’t have time, so we just ask people to text us the information. We say email me the information, or I’ll see it online somewhere. For example, Oh! Tiffani went to Korea. I found that out on Facebook. We didn’t talk about you going to Korea. So, yes, I have definitely seen the shift in the way we communicate. There’s not as much actual back and forth, face-to-face conversation.”

[3 examples (naturally) and then summarizes her response]

Words / Expressions / Patterns + Definitions + 3 Example Sentences

  1. First off
    1. Meaning: used for introducing the first of a series of things that you are going to say
      1. First off, I want to tell you how much I like your work.
      2. First off, if you’re using stock, the quality is very important.
      3. First off, it would be a sign of weakness.
  2. Shift
    1. Meaning: (of an idea, opinion, etc.) to change:
      1. Society’s attitudes toward women have shifted enormously over the last century.
      2. Media attention has shifted recently to environmental issues.
      3. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I decided to shift my focus.
  3. Back and forth
    1. Meaning: An argument or discussion in which two or more people alternate in sharing their perspectives.
      1. They’re having a real back and forth up there. Can you hear them yelling?
      2. I think we should have a little back and forth before we make a final decision.
      3. An agreement was finally reached after a lot of back and forth between the two sides.

English Fluency Tips

  • Chanel started off by saying, “first off”. This let me know that she had other points, but this was her strongest point or opinion. → When you put emphasis on a specific point, it lets the other person know that they need to listen more intently. This shows that you have thought about your response and it reveals your English fluency.
  • I asked Chanel to “dive into” her point a bit more. This let Chanel know that I was curious about what she said. → Remember that English fluency is not just about speaking. Listening is also an important skill to master in order to be a fluent English speaker. So, when there is something that catches your attention, ask the person to explain it more.

Conversation #2


  • Me: “What are your thoughts on talking to strangers?”
  • Chanel: “So, I don’t really think it’s good to talk to strangers. Now, I know some of the older people, like those in their late 60s or early 70s, they will talk to any and everybody. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. You could be smoking on the side of the street…they’ll stop you and talk to you.”
  • Me: “That’s so true! They talk to you and you know that you have no other choice but to answer out of respect.”
  • Chanel: “Yup! And that’s why they do it. But, to go back to your question, as for me and my house, we do not talk to strangers because there are some crazy people in this world. How about you?”
  • Me: “Okay, I see exactly where you are coming from. So, my opinion is a bit split. On one hand, I am aware of the fact that talking to strangers can be dangerous because of the world that we live in. But, on the other hand, people are losing communication skills due to improving technology. In the past, you could sit down next to a stranger and have a full-on conversation about the weather. That doesn’t happen as often now because it’s hard to gauge if someone is a good person or a bad person. People are becoming much more isolated. So, for that reason alone, I think it’s okay to talk to strangers in certain situations.”
  • Chanel: “That’s a good point.”

[Always summarize at the end and repeat your main point]

Words / Expressions / Patterns + Definitions + 3 Example Sentences

  1. Any and everybody
    1. Meaning: (Slang/Informal Term) Emphasizes that all types of people are included; not excluding anyone
      1. My friend talks to any and everybody.
      2. The pastor would spend time with any and everybody.
      3. She won’t just talk to any and everybody.
  2. See where you are coming from
    1. Meaning: You understand why that person has a particular opinion, often although you do not have that opinion
      1. I would’ve taken the dog to the vet, but I could see where they were coming from.
      2. If Gina would explain her situation a little better, I think they’d see where she’s coming from.
      3. Hey, don’t worry. I see where you are coming from.
  3. On one hand
    1. Meaning: Used to introduce a statement that is followed by another contrasting statement which is typically introduced with on the other hand
      1. On the one hand, I think the price is fair, but on the other hand, I really can’t afford to spend that much money.
      2. On one hand, I’d be starting a high-paying job doing what I’ve always wanted for a living. But on the other hand, I’d have to move halfway around the world from all my friends and family to do it.
      3. On one hand, I really ought to support my team. On the other hand, I don’t have the time to attend all the games.
  4. Full-on
    1. Meaning: Used to describe things or activities that have all the characteristics of their type, or are done in the strongest or most extreme way possible
      1. What they were really good at was full-on gospel.
      2. He wanted to do a full-on documentary, but he wanted it to span over a long time.
      3. Outside, the drizzle turned into a full-on rain.
  5. Gauge
    1. Meaning: Estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of; to make a judgment about something, usually people’s feelings:
      1. A poll was conducted to gauge consumers’ attitudes.
      2. His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.
      3. It’s hard to gauge what he is really thinking.

English Fluency Tip

  • Notice how Chanel immediately went into a real example. This is something that happens in natural English conversations. You make your point and then immediately support it with either an example, reason, or detail.
  • When I gave my response, I started off with “on one hand”. This showed that I had two different opinions. → It is okay to give two different opinions in response to a question. The only thing you have to remember to do is to properly show the differences between the two.
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