SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY | Use This Simple Rule To Speak Fluently In English [Episode 4]

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Part 1 | 3 Details

Explanation: The first part of this rule focuses on the important details of the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener visualize what you are talking about.

Topic & Question: Family vacation [Tell me about your last family vacation]

My Response: We went to Colorado for our last family vacation

3 Details:

  1. Off-the-grid cabin [Facts.Details]
  2. Mountainous area [Facts.Details]
  3. Breathtaking landscape [Facts.Details]

Support for my Response:

“My family and I went to Colorado for our family vacation last year. At first, my mom was a little nervous because we chose to stay at an off-the-grid cabin. But, since we stayed in a very mountainous area, my mom was satisfied with the amazing views. Honestly, we were all amazed by the breathtaking landscape when we went on a hike.”

  1. Off-the-grid: Not using or depending on public utilities, especially the supply of electricity “The man has lived off-the-grid for more than 25 years.”
  2. Mountainous: (of a region) having many mountains “He lives in the mountainous region of New Mexico.”
  3. Breathtaking: Astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality, so as to take one’s breath away “The house has breathtaking views from every room.”

Part 2 | 3 Examples

Explanation: The second part of this rule focuses on examples of the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener understand more by giving them real-life example situations.

Topic & Question: Grandparents [Do you think grandchildren make grandparents happy?]

My Response: Yes, I think grandparents are extremely happy when they are with their grandchildren.

3 Examples:

  1. My mother was very happy to babysit my niece for 2 years. [Situation]
  2. My grandmother would smile and sneak me money whenever I went to see her. [Situation]
  3. The highlight of my dad’s day is when he gets to speak to his grandchildren. [Situation]

Support for my Response:

“Yes, I think grandparents are extremely happy when they are with their grandchildren. For example, my mother was very happy to babysit my niece for 2 years. But, it’s not just my mother. When I was younger, my grandmother would always give me a big smile and sneak me some money. The same is true for my dad. Honestly, the highlight of my dad’s day is when he gets to speak to his grandchildren. ”

  1. Babysit: To look after a child or children while the parents are out “I babysit for my neighbor sometimes.”
  2. Sneak someone something: To secretly give someone something (in other words, to give someone something without other people knowing) “He tried to sneak me his number after class.”
  3. The highlight of someone’s day: The high point or the most exciting moment of someone’s day “Going out to lunch with my friends was the highlight of my day.”

Part 3 | 3 Reasons

Explanation: The third part of this rule focuses on giving specific reasons for your ideas on the topic, subject, or person you are discussing. In other words, you want to help your listener understand your thought process and how you developed your idea.

Topic & Question: Sibling relationships [Do you get along with your siblings?]

My Response: Yes, we get along very well.

3 Reasons:

  1. Our parents taught us to look out for each other [Support]
  2. We have so many inside jokes. [Support]
  3. Life would be meaningless without them [Support]

Support for my Response:

“Yes, we get along very well. Growing up our parents told us to look out for each other. So, we always protected each other. We also laugh a lot because we have so many inside jokes. Honestly, my life would be meaningless without them. ”

  1. Look out for someone: to take care of someone and make sure that they are treated well “I’m the oldest, so I always look out for my younger sisters.”
  2. Inside joke: A joke that is shared exclusively by a small group of people “After the incident with the potato peeler, references to potatoes became an inside joke among the witnesses.”
  3. Meaningless: having no meaning or significance “The paragraph was a jumble of meaningless words.”
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