By watching this video lesson, you will learn 9 English phrases that you can use in real life.


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9 Essential Phrases for Everyday Life!

  1. “Bite the bullet”
    • Definition: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage.
    • Example sentences:
      1. I have to bite the bullet and tell my boss about the mistake I made.
      2. John bit the bullet and admitted that he was wrong.
      3. It’s time to bite the bullet and start studying for the exam.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is used because it conveys the idea of facing challenges head-on, even when it may be uncomfortable.

  2. “Hit the sack”
    • Definition: To go to bed or go to sleep.
    • Example sentences:
      1. I’m exhausted, so I’m going to hit the sack early tonight.
      2. It’s getting late, so I think I should hit the sack.
      3. After a long day at work, all I want to do is hit the sack.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is commonly used to express the action of going to bed in a casual and colloquial manner.

  3. “Get the ball rolling”
    • Definition: To initiate or start a process or activity.
    • Example sentences:
      1. Let’s have an introductory meeting to get the ball rolling on this project.
      2. The manager wants to get the ball rolling on the new marketing campaign.
      3. We need to get the ball rolling on planning the company picnic.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is often used to encourage action and urge others to initiate a particular task or project.

  4. “Cost an arm and a leg”
    • Definition: To be very expensive.
    • Example sentences:
      1. The new smartphone model costs an arm and a leg.
      2. I wanted to buy that designer bag, but it cost an arm and a leg.
      3. Eating out every day can cost you an arm and a leg.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is popular because it emphasizes the idea of something being extremely pricey or costly.

  5. “Beat around the bush”
    • Definition: To avoid addressing an issue directly or to speak indirectly without getting to the point.
    • Example sentences:
      1. Stop beating around the bush and just tell me what you want.
      2. It’s frustrating when people beat around the bush instead of being straightforward.
      3. Please don’t beat around the bush.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is commonly used to express the idea of avoiding direct communication, either intentionally or unintentionally.

  6. “Call it a day”
    • Definition: To decide to stop working or stop an activity for the rest of the day.
    • Example sentences:
      1. We’ve been gardening for hours, so let’s just call it a day and relax.
      2. Let’s call it a day and continue this meeting tomorrow.
      3. I’ve finished all my tasks for today, so I’m going to call it a day.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is commonly used to indicate the end of a productive period or to express a desire to cease an activity.

  7. “Under the weather”
    • Definition: Feeling unwell or not in good health.
    • Example sentences:
      1. I won’t be able to make it to work today because I’m feeling under the weather.
      2. She seems a little under the weather, so maybe she should stay home.
      3. His performance was not up to par because he was feeling under the weather.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is frequently used as a euphemism to indicate illness without going into specific details.

  8. “On the same page”
    • Definition: Having a shared understanding or agreement on a particular topic or plan.
    • Example sentences:
      1. Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page regarding the project timeline.
      2. Our team needs a meeting to get on the same page about our goals.
      3. We can only succeed if we’re on the same page and working together.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is commonly used to emphasize the importance of having everyone aligned and working towards a common goal.

  9. “Get off someone’s back”
    • Definition: To stop criticizing, nagging, or bothering someone.
    • Example sentences:
      1. Please get off my back.
      2. I want my parents to get off my back about my grades.
      3. The boss finally got off his employee’s back after seeing improvements.

    Reason for frequent use: This phrase is popular because it succinctly expresses the idea of someone relieving pressure or ceasing to criticize another person.

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abdl alem Ahmad mohmmad
abdl alem Ahmad mohmmad
10 months ago

sanks for your speking

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