By watching this video lesson, you will learn how to finally think and speak like a native English speaker.


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Explanation / Introduction

25 minutes a day can change your life.

5 Minutes → Pick a vocabulary word that describes how you felt in the morning

5 Minutes → Pick an expression that describes your favorite food that you had during the day

5 Minutes → Write 1 sentence about something that happened to you at lunchtime

5 Minutes → Write 3 details about someone you spoke to or met

5 Minutes → Write 1 sentence that describes what type of day you had

Step #1 | Vocabulary

Breakdown: Pick a vocabulary word that describes how you felt in the morning

Part 1: Think about how you felt in the morning

Part 2: Search for a synonym for that word

Part 3: Write the word down and repeat it 3 times

Step #2 | Expression

Breakdown: Pick an expression that describes your favorite food that you had during the day

Part 1: Think about what you ate and how it tasted

Part 2: Search for an expression in Google by typing, “An English expression that means _____”

Part 3: Write the expression down and repeat it 3 times

Step #3 | Fluency Part 1

Breakdown: Write 1 sentence about something that happened to you at lunchtime

Part 1: Think about what happened to you at lunchtime

Part 2: Organize the 5Ws about that situation

Part 3: Create a sentence using the 5Ws to describe that situation

Step #4 | Thought Organization

Breakdown: Write 3 details about someone you spoke to or met

Part 1: Think about someone you met during the day

Part 2: Think about their clothing, their personality, and their job

Part 3: Write the details down and then repeat them

Step #5 | Fluency Part 2

Breakdown: Write 1 sentence that describes what type of day you had

Part 1: Think about your day as a whole

Part 2: Organize the 5Ws about your day

Part 3: Create a sentence using the 5Ws to describe your day

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