THINK AND SPEAK IN ENGLISH | How To Talk About Your Goals Fluently In English

By watching this video lesson, you will learn how to finally think and speak like a native English speaker.


Part #1 | Goal – Speak English Fluently


WHO: Michael, Intermediate English learner

WHAT: Studying English regularly

WHEN: Every afternoon prior to eating dinner

WHERE: At the local bookstore

WHY: He wants to speak English fluently and travel abroad


“Michael is an intermediate English learner. He has made it a habit to study English on a regular basis. So, every afternoon prior to eating dinner, he goes to study English at the local bookstore. Whenever someone asks him why he is studying so hard, Michael says it is because he wants to speak English fluently and travel abroad.”

Make it a habit to do something: If you make a habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often

Prior to: Before a particular time or event

Part #2 | Goal – Health


WHO: Michelle, a mother of two young children

WHAT: Does a vigorous workout with her coach

WHEN: Every morning at the crack of dawn

WHERE: At the 24-hour gym in her neighborhood

WHY: She wants to get back in shape and lose all of her baby fat


“Michelle is a mother of two young children. Every morning at the crack of dawn, Michelle gets up and does a vigorous workout with her coach. She usually exercises at the 24-hour gym in her neighborhood. Michelle works out so hard because she wants to get back in shape and finally lose all of her baby fat.”

Vigorous: Very forceful, energetic, or intense

Back in shape: It means that the person saying it once was a healthy “in shape” person and wants to get back to being healthy and “in shape” again

Baby fat: When used to refer to mothers it means the excess fat remaining after childbirth

Part #3 | Goal – Money / Career / Success


WHO: Samuel, An ambitious stockbroker

WHAT: Studies every publication, article, and website about the stock market

WHEN: Day in and day out

WHERE: In New York

WHY: He wants to be the most acclaimed stockbroker in New York history


“Samuel is an ambitious New York stockbroker. His main goal is to one day be the most acclaimed stockbroker in New York history. So, in order to reach his goal, Samuel studies every publication, article, and website about the stock market. He does this day in and day out.”

Acclaimed: Receiving public praise and approval

Day in and day out: Every day for a long time, especially in a way that is boring or unpleasant

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Hold Porn
3 years ago

First time here, haha

3 years ago

How to speak fluently english…

Miguel Chumpitazi
Miguel Chumpitazi
2 years ago

Please , an exercise for latinamerican people.

Maria G Wilson
Maria G Wilson
2 years ago

Dear teacher Tiffani: thanks for this incredible program you are awesome, may God bless you for helping us learning English a difficult language for me, many years and still struggling. Just today after I download Telegram channel I started to read and check out all the info. you have here. I really appreciate it.

Mamadou Bagayoko
Mamadou Bagayoko
2 years ago

I am for

Hold Porn
2 years ago

Be beautiful enough to feast the eyes

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2 years ago

Thank you Teacher Tiffani. The sentence patterns are useful and they really works!

2 years ago


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