What is your favorite vacation spot?

Today we will review two responses to the topic, “What is your favorite vacation spot?”. We will use the principles that we learned from “The Web” (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).  Review the examples below and then try to make your own examples for the question. Let’s Speak English!



STEP 1 //
[Main Idea]

Jeju Island

STEP 2 //
[3 W’s]

Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3

STEP 3 //
[Supporting Information]

Reason 1 = South Korea
Reason 2 = Beautiful
Reason 3 = Peaceful


“My favorite vacation spot is Jeju Island in South Korea. It is the most beautiful place in South Korea. I go there whenever I need to relax because it is such a peaceful place.”


STEP 1 //
[Main Idea]

Angelina Jolie

STEP 2 //
[3 W’s]

Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3

STEP 3 //
[Supporting Information]

Reason 1 = Hot
Reason 2 = Disney World
Reason 3 = Friend


My favorite vacation spot is Florida. I usually go there in December, because it is hot there and I hate cold weather. My kids also love Disney World, so my husband and I take them there often. We also stop by my friend’s house whenever we go to Florida.”


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2 years ago

Very useful.thank you

2 years ago

My favorite vocation spot is the spring hot water.It is situated in the most beautiful place in Tumen. I go there when I want to get relax. There is peaceful and a quite place. I visited that place twice a year in winter and summer or autumn. i like swim in that pool, when is cold and snowing and you are in the hot water.

2 years ago

My favorite vacation spot is Minca in santa marta Colombia it is the most beautiful place in santa marta it is a nature reserve close to sierra Nevada de Santa Marta; it is a 5 hours from Cartagena have a lot vegetation. The main activity of Minca is its ecological wealh. It is a place that has a lot to do and know, such as visits to coffe farms going to waterfaills, ecological walks and bird watching. pozo azul and Marinka waterfall are amazing places is an oasis in middle of the nature the water is cold no much but… Read more »

2 years ago

My favorite vacation spot is Chichiriviche. It is located in Falcon Venezuela. It’s an amazing place with a relaxing weather. We usually go during Easter week. My family and I enjoy spending time together, we like going to beaches situated in different keys, so we set our circuit and select a beach per day. It’s awesome.

juan antonio
juan antonio
2 years ago

my favorite vacation spot is punta cana it is in the dominican republic we got here thouunsand of kilometers of sandy beach it is a peaseful place whre you can feel that everyone around you is your friend here you come as a guest and you become family there are amazing places to see and to go the white sand of the beaches is beautiful and that is the place i got access to go so far

Ari Marrero
Ari Marrero
2 years ago

My favorite spot vacation is Canaima. It is a beautiful and magical place in my country, Venezuela. There is a wide variety of plants and animals, with beautiful mountains called Tepuy and natural lakes with fresh water. It is a very important national park.

Hilma Lima de Oliveira
Hilma Lima de Oliveira
2 years ago
Reply to  Ari Marrero

My favorite spot is Salinas. It’s located 200 kilometers from Belém, Capital of Pará State, in North Brazil. Salinas is a paradise, tranquility with beautiful beaches where we can eat a delicious fresk fish, crab, oyster and many fruits of sea. as also kayaking. There we can bask in the sun and meeting good friends to drink a very nice bear and appreciate a beautiful sunset. I love Salinas

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