20 English Words To Use Every Day (Part 2)



guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action

How to use it

The noun “advice”, not to be confused with the verb “advise”, is used when you want to give a recommendation for someone.

10 example sentences

  1. If you want my advice, you shouldn’t go there alone.
  2. He didn’t ask for my advice, but I offered it anyway.
  3. She was patiently waiting for her mom to give her advice.
  4. I’m not sure if I’m the right person to give advice here, but I will do my best.
  5. I wasn’t going to give you any advice on this topic, but if you insist, I can.
  6. Leah asked her sister for advice on how to raise a teenager.
  7. I need some advice on how to diet and control my appetite.
  8. Growing up, my father was always the one who gave my siblings and I good life advice.
  9. Hey Seth, word of advice, don’t go into the manager’s office when a client is visiting.
  10. I read the Bible, and ask God for advice.

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an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.

How to use it

You can use the word “budget” when you’re creating or estimating revenue and expenses over a specified period.

10 example sentences

  1. I need to create a new budget for the month of August.
  2. No, I can’t afford that right now. It is over budget.
  3. We need to stay within budget, if we want this to work.
  4. Since I’ve moved, I have been going over budget.
  5. I don’t like traveling on a tight budget.
  6. The wedding is really pushing our budget.
  7. Lucas budgeted $200 for the party.
  8. We want to buy a new house, but our budget is very limited.
  9. Those high-dollar companies are only concerned about their budgets, not their employees.
  10. The administration approved our budget.



A fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action.

How to use it

The word “circumstance” can be used when expressing the state that someone is in, the details surrounding a situation, or a condition that causes something to occur.

10 example sentences

  1. I know I can trust Will in any circumstance.
  2. Our current circumstance doesn’t allow us to travel.
  3. Please report any unexpected circumstances to your lead.
  4. You could say that they are victims of circumstance.
  5. Liz just lost her husband in a car accident. I can’t imagine the circumstance.
  6. My husband and I were simply thrown together by circumstance.
  7. If this was any other circumstance, you wouldn’t behave this way.
  8. The crash survivors were forced to eat insects, and drink river water, through force of circumstance.
  9. Do you have any prior conditions or circumstances that would prohibit you from performing manual labor?
  10. I do not go downtown at night under any circumstance.



To focus one’s attention or mental effort on a particular object or activity.

How to use it

We typically use “concentrate” when we are asking for someone’s attention.

10 example sentences

  1. I really need you to concentrate, please.
  2. He was concentrated on the lesson.
  3. Most of my younger students have trouble concentrating.
  4. I wasn’t concentrating, and I missed the entire presentation.
  5. My line of work requires strict concentration.
  6. Abby, honey, I will need you to concentrate on this last question.
  7. I was rattled, I couldn’t believe what I just witnessed, but the police kept asking me to concentrate as I was the only witness
  8. When I was in elementary school, I would constantly get in trouble for not concentrating.
  9. Adam’s lack of concentration is what is inhibiting him from getting a promotion.
  10. Please be quite! I need to concentrate.



to hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process); to make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way.

How to use it

“Inhibit” is used when you’re referring to something that is making an action or process extremely difficult to complete.

10 example sentences

  1. Lack of oxygen inhibits brain activity.
  2. Her shyness inhibited her from making friends.
  3. My own fear inhibited me from enjoying the haunted house.
  4. An unhappy home may inhibit a child’s mental development.
  5. This bill, if passed, could inhibit the poor from getting the free healthcare they need.
  6. Drinking too little water can inhibit the milk supply of breastfeeding mothers.
  7. Lexi is currently enrolled in cognitive therapy, in hopes to inhibit her suicidal thoughts.
  8. The construction, on 4th street, may also inhibit the protestors. It’s a win-win!
  9. Mix salt with warm water and gargle every night. This inhibits the growth of bacteria.
  10. I want to know if my involvement will inhibit you from completing your task?

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To give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing

How to use it

The word “emphasize” is most commonly used when you are trying to stress the importance of something.

10 example sentences

  1. I emphasized the importance of punctuality.
  2. He was waiting for her to emphasize the fact that he was wrong, but she forgave him instead.
  3. To emphasize his feelings, he bought her a dozen roses and wrote her a long love letter.
  4. He spoke loud in order to emphasize his points during the presentation.
  5. When writing, you need to try to emphasize your main idea so that the readers will know.
  6. I cannot emphasize the importance of diet and exercise enough.
  7. Some reviews emphasize the food, while others focus on the environment and cleanliness.
  8. My son’s daycare emphasized early reading and problem-solving skills.
  9. When writing a resume, you need to find your best attributes, and emphasize them.
  10. I do not like pleated pants because they emphasize my waist.



Feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of an inability to change or achieve something.

How to use it

“Frustrated” is usually used when you want to express the feeling of being angrily annoyed at someone or something.

10 example sentences

  1. He’s very frustrated right now, give him time to cool down.
  2. She was mimicking me in a frustrated tone.
  3. The slow internet connection is so frustrating!
  4. Frustrated, he agreed to watch his baby brother while his mom ran to the store.
  5. I’m sorry if I come off rude…I’m just really frustrated right now
  6. Noah’s teachers called his mom because she was frustrated with his behavior.
  7. Her cheeks were rose colored, it was obvious that she was frustrated once more.
  8. You frustrate me to no end!
  9. My older sister appears to be frustrated, and I do not want to add any fuel to the fire.
  10. Julian woke up at 4 a.m., feeling frustrated and confused.



Noun: A formal promise or assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled

Verb: to provide a formal assurance or promise that certain conditions will be fulfilled

How to use it

We native English speakers most commonly use the word “guarantee” when we want someone to know, with ease of mind, that something is for sure bound to happen.

10 example sentences

  1. I guarantee you, he will never move out of his hometown.
  2. I need a guarantee that the documents are real.
  3. I wanted to renew the contract to guarantee job security.
  4. There was no guarantee Jessi wanted him, but did he have a chance with her?
  5. I cannot guarantee that I will have time to meet Friday, but I will do my best.
  6. There’s no guarantee that we will live to see another day.
  7. The doctors told me that, unfortunately, they can’t guarantee that the medication will help.
  8. In these financial hardships, the government guaranteed the disbursement of stimulus payments to those in need.
  9. Alright, you can come with me, but I guarantee you will be bored.
  10. Rachel couldn’t guarantee a raise in salary, but she also couldn’t last one more minute at her old job.



Verb: to manage a situation.

How to use it

The word “handle” is most commonly used when you are referring to controlling a type of situation.

10 example sentences

  1. I think I can handle my new responsibilities, but then again, I don’t want to overwork myself.
  2. She couldn’t handle the pressure of studying during the pandemic, so she took a break.
  3. Can you please handle this situation before it gets out of hand?
  4. My son, Kaius, likes to take matters into his own hands and handle things that little kids ought not to handle.
  5. You need a lawyer who can handle your case efficiently.
  6. Amber wants to be financially stable where she can handle herself.
  7. I’ve been having problems with my boss, but I’m sure I can handle them.
  8. Jenny needs to take a step down and not take more than she can handle.
  9. That girl, she is just too hot to handle.
  10. My mom handled the news, about my move, very well.



To remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position; to leave a situation

How to use it

The word “withdraw” is most commonly used when referring to taking something back or away.

10 example sentences

  1. I need to withdraw cash from the ATM.
  2. I withdrew my vote because I no longer wished to be part of that committee.
  3. Both countries withdrew their troops, and the war ended on good terms.
  4. Unfortunately, we must withdraw from the competition.
  5. I had to withdraw my application because of Covid-19.
  6. President Biden has now withdrawn his offer of continuing the child tax credit for the next calendar year.
  7. The losing team was forced to withdraw altogether.
  8. At the end of the war, the Germans were forced to withdraw.
  9. Alice withdrew $3,000 from the bank.
  10. As much as I hate to do so, I must withdraw my plan.

Whew, that was a lot, wasn’t it? Yeah, they may be random words, but trust me, the above vocabulary words are extremely common in daily conversation. I challenge you to pick one every day, and for the next twenty days, (view the ones from part 1 of this blog as well) try to use that word at least three times a day in conversation. I assure you that it will be easier than you think. If you’re in a situation where you cannot speak English daily, that’s okay. Instead, come up with three sentences a day and record yourself speaking them. Have fun, and enjoy learning English!

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Robert Mavuni
Robert Mavuni
3 years ago

Dear Tiffani, One day I was using my cell phone and suddenly, appeared one pop up “Real LIFE ENGLISH, Speak English Like A Native with Tiffani” I was curious to listen to your videos. From that time up to now I am in love of the way you teach. Because you’re so exuberant when you’re teaching. I said waaaaouuuh!!!! I would like to be in contact with Tiffani if you don’t mind so that you could be my Ríde or Die” referent or Modele of English Teacher. I send you this message Far from where you live.thousands kilometers. I appreciate… Read more »

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