3 PROVEN TECHNIQUES to help you think in English

In today’s lesson, you will learn three proven techniques that will help you finally think in English. These techniques will help you finally use the vocabulary, sentence patterns, and fluency formulas you have learned.

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Technique #1 | Word – Image Association [Thinking : Words]

The first technique focuses on building your ability to think of English vocabulary words. This technique will help you think of English vocabulary words quickly when you are having conversations. It will also help you access and finally use the English vocabulary words that are stored in your brain.

  1. Step 1: Select 5 images (Personal photo, Google images, or a book)
  2. Step 2: Set a timer for 60 seconds
  3. Step 3: Look at each picture and try to come up with 5 different words to describe each picture within the 60 seconds

Remember Your goal is to think of words in English. So, don’t worry about thinking of the most difficult words. This technique is to help you think of words in English first. [If there is a word that pops in your head in your own language first, you can translate it into English and write it down. But, you must use it the next time you time yourself]

Technique #2 | Sentence Pattern – Life Connection [Thinking : Sentences]

The second technique focuses on building your ability to think of correct English sentences. This technique will help you formulate your thoughts and ideas quickly into proper English sentences when you are having conversations. It will also help you access and finally use the English grammar patterns that are stored in your brain.

  1. Step 1: Find an English blog/article/website that interests you
  2. Step 2: Within the blog/article/website select one English sentence & write it down
  3. Step 3: Divide your day into 5 parts based on your activities
  4. Step 4: Using the same sentence pattern, write a sentence about each part of your day

Remember Your goal is to mimic the exact same pattern. So, you should only change a few words. In order to do this, you must think creatively about each part of your day.

Technique #3 | Image – Description Creation [Thinking : Complete Thoughts]

The third technique focuses on building your ability to organize your opinions in English. This technique will help you break down your ideas and organize them into complete thoughts when you are having conversations. It will also help you access and finally use the lessons you have learned related to English fluency.

  1. Step 1: Select 5 images (Personal photo, Google images, or a book) *Not the same images from Technique #1
  2. Step 2: Write 1 beginner sentence to describe each image (Beginner → 4 – 6 words)
  3. Step 3: Write 1 intermediate sentence to describe each image (Intermediate → 7 – 10 words)
  4. Step 4: Write 1 advanced sentence to describe each image (Advanced → 11 – 15+ words)


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Mamadou Dabo
Mamadou Dabo
3 years ago

Thank you for your helping

3 years ago

I love the way you teach ❤️❤️ Ur excitement makes me hear you out

Jose miguel Rodriguez perdomo
Jose miguel Rodriguez perdomo
3 years ago
3 years ago

???? Hi

3 years ago

What a creative way to learn how to think in English language ! You always amaze me with your unique techniques of teaching language . Thanks Tiffany.

3 years ago


Nana Ama
Nana Ama
3 years ago

You are a great teacher ❤️

Hamid Mahmoud
Hamid Mahmoud
3 years ago

I want to toke with in live

Shahnaz Akram
Shahnaz Akram
3 years ago

Teacher Tiff you are amazing I love your way of teaching love you ❤️❤️

11 months ago

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