English Conversations

In this lesson you will listen to and learn 5 English Conversations.




Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani. I am Teacher Tiffani and today you will learn and hear natural English Conversations. Are you ready? Well then, let’s jump right in.

Conversation #1 : Introductions

Linda: Hello, my name is Linda. What’s your name?
Charles: Hi Linda. My name is Charles.
Linda: Nice to meet you Charles. Where are you from?
Charles: I’m from California. What about you?
Linda: Nice, I’m from Florida.
Charles: Oh, I love Florida. My hobby is swimming because I love the water.
Linda: I also like swimming too. But my main hobby is singing.
Charles: Oh really? What type of music do you like?
Linda: I like pop music and ballads. What about you?
Charles: I like ballads and classical music.
Linda: Oh, very nice. We should hangout sometime.
Charles: Yeah, that would be great. Let’s talk more!

Conversation #2 : Work / Job

Amy: Hey Adam, how was the team meeting today?
Adam: Hey Amy, it was a little long. But we got a lot done.
Amy: Oh okay great. So what did the boss decide about the new project?
Adam: He said that he will send out a detailed email later today.
Amy: Ok that sounds good. I will check my email in a few minutes.
Adam: Yeah, he seemed to like what we showed him. So, don’t worry.
Amy: Ok, that’s a relief. I really want to get the ball rolling on this project.
Adam: Yeah, me too. Let’s start gathering our team members soon.
Amy: That sounds good. I’ll message you later.
Adam: Okay, enjoy the rest of your morning.

Conversation #3 : Home

Kim: Hi Steven.
Steven: Hi Kim.
Kim: I was wondering, what state are you from?
Steven: I am from New York. It’s a great place to live.
Kim: Oh wow, that’s nice. How long have you lived there?
Steven: I have lived there for about 25 years. How about you?
Kim: I’m from Texas. I love it.
Steven: Nice. Texas is a big state. What’s your favorite thing about it?
Kim: I really love the food. There are so many great restaurants.
Steven: Sounds like I need to visit Texas. I love food too!
Kim: Yes! You should come and visit. I will show you around.
Steven: Great! Sounds like a plan!

Conversation #4 : University

Sarah: Hey Michael, how are you?
Michael: Hey Sarah! I’m great thanks. How about you?
Sarah: I’m good too. But I am having a little trouble in my Biology class.
Michael: Oh, which professor teaches that class?
Sarah: Professor Smith…He is the hardest professor I have ever had.
Michael: Yeah, he is pretty hard. But you know, I think I can help you.
Sarah: Oh really?!
Michael: Yeah, I actually registered for that class last term. So I can help you.
Sarah: Wow Michael, you are a lifesaver! I would appreciate it so much.
Michael: Sure thing! It would be my pleasure. Let’s meet at the library tomorrow. 

Conversation #5 : Exercise

Mark: Hey Sarah. How’s your workout going?
Sarah: Hey Mark. It’s going well. How about yours?
Mark: Mine is going good too. I decided to just lift weights today.
Sarah: Oh ok, that’s good. I’m going to run on the treadmill today.
Mark: That sounds great. Do you run everyday?
Sarah: No, but I do exercise 5 times a week.
Mark: Oh ok, that’s really good. I try to workout almost every day too.
Sarah: Yeah, exercise is really important. What’s your favorite exercise?
Mark: I really like cycling.
Sarah: Nice. Cycling is fun. Well, enjoy the rest of your workout.
Mark: Thanks, you too.
Sarah: Thanks. Bye.

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~Teacher Tiffani’

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