REAL ENGLISH CONVERSATION | Learn Real English From Real English Conversations Episode 5

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Short Description: Discussing the question → “What should companies do to protect the environment?”


  1. [00:00:00] Tiffani: Okay. Then this is a little bit different. This is more about companies. Still dealing with responsibility… But what should companies do to protect the environment?
  2. [00:00:11] Basically, what responsibility do companies have as it relates to the environment? You know, nowadays we’re talking about the green, you know, green peace and all that stuff. So…
  3. [00:00:19] Chanel: I mean the first couple of things that pop into my head… not using as much paper so that we don’t cut down as many trees. So we have cleaner air.
  4. [00:00:29] Um, and then something that I’m not as familiar with, but I know that it impacts with the water and toxic stuff that needs to be properly disposed of as opposed to, oh, we’re just going to pour it down here or we’re going to pour it out here. So those are things that I think companies should take into consideration…Ways to dispose, properly dispose of
  5. [00:00:51] toxic chemicals that they may use when they make certain things and, um, reducing the use of paper. So I guess
  6. [00:01:00] that’s kind of a way that technology has helped because you don’t have as much of a paper trail. And then if something happens like with fire, with a fire or natural disasters, then it’s in other places.
  7. [00:01:12] So you don’t absolutely lose
  8. [00:01:14] Tiffani: everything. Yeah. I agree. I agree. I think they have to be mindful of what they’re using and how it’s affecting the environment.

Words / Expressions / Patterns + Definitions + 3 Example Sentences

  1. Dealing with
    1. Meaning: To be about or be on the subject of something:
      1. “Her new movie deals with the relationship between a woman and her sick daughter.”
      2. “The author has tried to deal with a very difficult subject.”
      3. “Her question deals with the current state of our society.”
  2. Relate to [Phrasal verb]
    1. Meaning: To connect (something) with (something else)
      1. “They didn’t relate their symptoms to the food they’d eaten the day before.”
      2. “We’re only interested in events that relate directly to the murder.”
      3. “We need to see figures relating to the last four years.”
  3. Pop into my head
    1. Meaning: To suddenly think of something
      1. “All at once an idea popped into her head.”
      2. “The last line of the song popped into his head.”
      3. “I can’t believe that just popped into my head.”
  4. Familiar with
    1. Meaning: You know about it because you have learned about it or experienced it before
      1. “Are you familiar with computers?”
      2. “The author assumes that his readers are familiar with certain basic ideas.”
      3. “I’m not familiar with that movie.”
  5. Impact
    1. Meaning: Have a strong effect on someone or something
      1. “The anti-smoking campaign made quite an impact on young people.”
      2. “This decision will have a disastrous impact on foreign policy.”
      3. “The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.”
  6. Toxic
    1. Meaning: Poisonous, or relating to poisonous substances
      1. “These substances can be toxic to humans.”
      2. “The company decided to cut toxic chemicals from its printing process..”
      3. “You shouldn’t use toxic cleaning products.”
  7. Take into consideration
    1. Meaning: To think about (something) before one makes a decision or forms an opinion
      1. “We will take your experience into consideration when we decide who will get the job.”
      2. “Did you take my idea into consideration?”
      3. “We will take your recent illness into consideration when marking your exams.”
  8. Dispose of
    1. Meaning: To get rid of
      1. “He disposed of the newspapers after reading them.”
      2. “This is the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste.”
      3. “They had to dispose of hundreds of used computers yesterday.”
  9. Be mindful of
    1. Meaning: Conscious or aware of something
      1. “I think we need to be more mindful of the energy we use to heat our homes.”
      2. “Remember to be mindful of how you use your words.”
      3. “She was mindful of the poor road conditions, so she reduced her speed to 30 mph.”
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