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Expression #1 | To hit the nail on the head

Definition: “to be exactly right about something”

SENTENCES [Describe the same thing in 3 different ways]

  1. Sam hit the nail on the head when he said that the company needs to invest more in marketing.
  2. Mary’s analysis was spot on. Her boss said that she really hit the nail on the head.
  3. The coach’s comments hit the nail on the head about what the team needs to improve before the next game.

Expression #2 | To give someone the benefit of the doubt

Definition: “to believe someone’s statement without proof, because you think they deserve to be trusted”

SENTENCES [Describe the same thing in 3 different ways]

  1. Even though I didn’t see him do it, I’ll give Michael the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn’t steal her wallet.
  2. Michelle was late for the meeting, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she had a good reason.
  3. The teacher gave the students the benefit of the doubt and didn’t punish them for not having their homework.

Expression #3 | To be on the same page

Definition: “to have the same understanding or agreement about something”

SENTENCES [Describe the same thing in 3 different ways]

  1. We need to make sure everyone is on the same page before we start the next project.
  2. The finance team had a meeting to discuss their goals and make sure they were all on the same page.
  3. The couple had a disagreement yesterday, but now they are on the same page about the future of their relationship.

Expression #4 | To have a change of heart

Definition: “to change one’s mind or opinion about something”

SENTENCES [Describe the same thing in 3 different ways]

  1. The first time I went to the new restaurant, I didn’t like it. But after trying it again, I had a change of heart.
  2. The young politician had a change of heart about his stance on climate change after seeing the effects firsthand.
  3. The customer had a change of heart and decided to buy the more expensive purse.

Expression #5 | To be in the same boat

Definition: “to be in the same difficult situation as someone else”

SENTENCES [Describe the same thing in 3 different ways]

  1. It is important to remember that we’re all in the same boat.
  2. The employees were all worried about losing their jobs, so they were in the same boat.
  3. The passengers on the delayed flight were all in the same boat.
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