5-Steps to Improve your English Listening Skills


One of the greatest difficulties for any ESL student is trying to improve their English listening skills. Many students complain that it is hard to hear the words because of the fast pace, difficult to catch the meaning because of complicated words, and that it is almost impossible for them to follow along.

But, there is a solution. 


There is a 5-step process to improving your English listening skills. If you follow this 5-step process your English listening will definitely improve.

STEP #1 | “Listen to the audio”

The first step is to simply listen to the audio. Don’t pause it. Don’t stress about all of the words. Simply relax and listen to what is being said. Your brain will catch (comprehend) more than you realize.


STEP #2 | “Listen again & Pick out the 5Ws”

The second step is to listen to the audio again. But, this time you will need to find the 5Ws. Who, When, Where, What, and Why. You may have to listen to the audio more than once to find each of the 5Ws. But, the more your practice, the faster you will be able to recognize them in the future as your listening improves.


STEP #3 | “Write down new vocabulary words”

The third step is to listen to the audio again and write down the vocabulary words that you don’t know. Then you will look up their meaning in a dictionary.


STEP #4 | “Listen & Repeat”

The fourth step is to listen to the audio again and repeat after the person speaking. At this stage, your brain will be able to follow a lot faster than when you started. Try to copy the intonation and pace of the person speaking.


STEP #5 | “Listen one last time”

The final step is to listen to the audio one last time. While you are listening, you will realize that your understanding has greatly improved.


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