078 : Meet an American | D’Anya

In today’s episode, we are going to speak with D’Anya. She is full of life and she loves people. In this episode, we talk about her experience as an American and all about American life. So let’s get started with the interview.

076 : Meet an American | Atarah(Onz)

In today’s episode, we are going to speak with Atarah(Onz). Her parents are originally from Guyana, but they moved to America many years ago. In this episode, we talk about her experience as an American and all about American life. So let’s get started with the interview.

074 : Meet an American | Ria

In today’s episode, we are going to speak with Ria. She was born in the Philippines and then came to America with her family when she was very young. In this episode, we talk about her experience as an American and all about American life. So let’s get started with the interview.

072 : Meet an American | Jacquece

In today’s episode, we are going to speak with Jacquece. We have actually known each other since childhood. In this episode, we talk about her experience as an American and all about American life. So let’s get started with the interview.

071 : Business English | Living and Working Abroad

In today’s episode, I speak with Teacher Julie about living and working abroad. We talk about what made us decide to work abroad, what made us stay when things got difficult, things we wish we knew before we went abroad, and so much more. This episode will help you understand what it really means to work abroad and how to adjust to a new culture.

070 : Meet an American | Shay

In today’s episode, we are going to speak with Shay. We met in Korea and we have been friends ever since. In this episode, we talk about her experience as an American and all about American life. So let’s get started with the interview.