English Body Idioms Day 3 : Egg On Your Face

In this lesson you will learn how to properly use the English Idiom “Egg on your face”.


Egg on your face

Welcome to Day 3 of the Special Edition of Speak English with Tiffani. I am Teacher Tiffani and in this episode I will teach you exactly how to use the English body idiom “Egg on your face”.

Are you ready? Well then, let’s jump right in.


The idiom “Egg on your face can be defined in three different ways.

  • The first definition of this idiom is “To look foolish”
  • The second definition of this idiom is “To be embarrassed”
  • And the third definition of this idiom is “To look stupid because of something that you have done”

So, whenever you think of the face, you can also think of the English idiom “Egg on your face”.


Now, let’s see how you can practically use this idiom in real life.

First, you can use Egg on your face when someone is being arrogant.
When someone is being arrogant, sometimes their words do not match their actions and then they get embarrassed. At these times the idiom can be used like this, “Matthew had egg on his face after saying he could easily do fifty push-ups, and then giving up after doing just twenty five.”

Second, you can use Egg on your face when someone is being hasty (or impatient)
When someone is being hasty they can easily make a mistake and regret their actions. At these times the idiom can be used like this, “The policeman had egg on his face because he arrested and beat up an innocent guy.”

Third, you can use Egg on your face when someone is bragging.
When someone is bragging, they usually exaggerate and say things that they will regret. At these times the idiom can be used like this, “Sarah had egg on her face after saying she was much better than everyone else in math, and then receiving the lowest score on the final math test.”

Fourth, you can use Egg on your face when someone is totally wrong.
When someone is totally wrong, they usually try to prove their point even though they know the truth. At these times the idiom can be used like this, “I was completely wrong, and now I have egg on my face.”

And finally fifth, you can use Egg on your face when you are overwhelmed.  
We usually get overwhelmed when we take on too much responsibility. At these times the idiom can be used like this, “If the computer issues continue, the manager will have egg on his face.”

“Egg on your face”

Use it today!

Click the link to download your own free copy of English body idioms with Teacher Tiffani.
Download English Body Idioms

Until next time, try to use this idiom at least one time everyday. You can do it! You can Speak English!

~Teacher Tiffani’

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