ENGLISH STUDY PLAY | The Easiest Way To Learn English In 5 Days

Get the plan you need to start using the English you study. By watching this video lesson, you will learn how to follow a 5-day plan.


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Day #1 [Write on your iPad PDF]

Focus/Title: Select a specific English topic

Basic Description: On this day, you will focus on selecting one topic that is currently interesting to you. This will be the topic that you will base your studies on for the rest of the week.

Important Point: You must select a topic that you are interested in because that will make it easier for you to remember what you learn. → [Video clip (1) : I am interested in cooking // I am interested in drawing // I am interested in playing basketball]

3~5 Steps:

  1. Write down 5 topics that you are currently interested in (iPad)
  2. Rate each topic from “most interesting” to “least interesting” (1 = Least // 5 = most)
  3. Choose the one with the highest score
  4. Write down why 5 reasons why this topic interests you so much

iPAD [Practical Application]

  1. Travel, cooking, art, music, and technology
  2. Travel (5), cooking(4), art(3), music(1), and technology(2)
  3. Travel
  4. 5 Reasons
    1. I enjoy experiencing new cultures [Helps me to appreciate the beauty of God’s creation.]
    2. Learn more [Experience something unfamiliar and leave with new skills or knowledge.]
    3. Change my perspective [It helps open your mind. You realize that there’s no one way to live life.]
    4. Self-reflection [Getting away from home gives you the opportunity to reflect on your life.]
    5. Building relationships [The shared experience of travel brings people together.]

Day #2 [Write on your iPad PDF]

Focus/Title: Learn & use topic-based vocabulary words & expressions

Basic Description: On this day, you will learn 5 new English vocabulary words and/or English expressions directly related to the English topic.

Important Point: You can find the topic-specific words and expressions by searching for them on Google. → [Video clip (1) : Screen record of me searching for the words – “English words about ____________”]

3~5 Steps:

  1. Search for the 5 words/expressions
  2. Write down the definition of each word/expression (iPad)
  3. Write a personal experience related to each word/expression (iPad)

iPAD [Practical Application]

  1. Wanderer/nomad, Road trip, Once in a while, Hot spot, and Motive/Intention
  2. Definitions:
    1. Wanderer/nomad – A person who travels aimlessly
    2. Road trip – A journey made by car, bus, etc.
    3. Once in a while – From time to time; occasionally
    4. Hot spot – A place of significant activity; A place of more than usual interest, activity, or popularity
    5. Motive/Intention – A reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious
  3. Personal Experience:
    1. Wanderer/nomad
      1. One of my friends is a “digital nomad” [Janelle – teaching as she travels]
    2. Road trip
      1. Mrs. Debbie’s road trip years ago inspired me – I will do a road trip around America
    3. Once in a while
      1. Eating So Delicious salty caramel ice cream once in a while
    4. Hot spot
      1. Myeongdong – always packed
    5. Motive/Intention
      1. Telegram group – I don’t talk a lot because I want my students to talk (promote the membership ‘Let’s Jump Right In’)

Day #3 [Write on your iPad PDF]

Focus/Title: Organize your thoughts & ideas about various topic-specific questions

Basic Description: On this day, you will organize your thoughts and discuss 3 questions that are connected to the English topic.

Important Point: You can find the topic-specific questions by searching for them on Google. → [Video clip (1) : Screen record of me searching for the words – “Discussion questions about ____________”]

3~5 Steps:

  1. Search for the 3 questions
  2. Organize your thoughts about each question (iPad)
  3. Write your answer based on your notes (iPad)

iPAD [Practical Application]

  1. Who would you like to travel with? // What do you like to do when you travel? // When was the last time you went somewhere for vacation?
  2. Organize your thoughts: [Reasons / Details / Examples]
    1. Who would you like to travel with?
      1. Answer: My husband
      2. Reasons:
        1. We will create lifelong memories
        2. We will strengthen our relationship
        3. We can show our kids the pictures in the future
    2. What do you like to do when you travel?
      1. Answer: Explore
      2. Examples:
        1. Local markets
        2. Art galleries
        3. Small towns
    3. When was the last time you went somewhere for vacation?
      1. Answer: 1 year ago
      2. Details:
        1. With my family
        2. To see the ark
        3. To visit the creation museum
  3. Write your answers
    1. Who would you like to travel with?
      1. I would like to travel with my husband. There are three main reasons why I would like to travel with him. First, we will create lifelong memories. Second, we will strengthen our relationship. Finally, we can show our kids the pictures in the future.
    2. What do you like to do when you travel?
      1. I like to explore when I travel. For example, I like to explore local markets, art galleries, and also small towns.
    3. When was the last time you went somewhere for vacation?
      1. The last time I went somewhere for vacation was last year. I went with my family to see the ark. We also visited the creation museum.

Day #4 [Write on your iPad PDF]

Focus/Title: Find an English video about the topic

Basic Description: On this day, you will find a video that is related to the topic

Important Point: You can find the topic-specific video by searching for it on YouTube. → [Video clip (1) : Screen record of me searching for the topic – “____________”]

3~5 Steps:

  1. Select a YouTube video & Watch the video
  2. Write down the details
  3. Take notes as you watch the video (Anything interesting you learn about the topic) (iPad)

iPAD [Practical Application]

  1. 35 HOUR OVERNIGHT TRAIN (Amtrak’s largest private room)“ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxY5C9t1Ox4]
  2. [Feb 26, 2022] – Channel: Kara and Nate
  3. Notes:
    1. Their private room could sleep 4 people
    2. They had access to a bathroom and showers
    3. They could walk around the train
    4. They were able to sleep next to each other
    5. There was a turndown service

Day #5 [Write on your iPad PDF]

Focus/Title: Write about the video using what you learned

Basic Description: On this day, you will write about the video you watched using the words/expressions you learned.

Important Point: Your goal is not to make extremely long sentences. Instead, your goal is to use the words/expressions to describe the video.

3~5 Steps:

  1. Write a sentence about the video using the first word/expression
  2. Write a sentence about the video using the second word/expression
  3. Write a sentence about the video using the third word/expression
  4. Write a sentence about the video using the fourth word/expression
  5. Write a sentence about the video using the fifth word/expression

iPAD [Practical Application]

  1. Wanderer/nomad – They decided to live like nomads for 35 hours.
  2. Road trip – Kara and Nate decided to take the train, instead of doing a road trip.
  3. Once in a while – Once in a while, they would walk around the train.
  4. Hot spot – They realized that the glass-domed train was the hot spot.
  5. Motive/Intention – Their main motive for taking the 35-hour train ride was to see if it would be comfortable.
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