033 : Meet Teacher Jered – An ESL Teacher in South Korea



First Experience 

  • Loved how he was able to learn more about the Korean culture.
  • He believes that culture exchange is really important

3 Best Qualities of a good student

  • Not being afraid to make mistakes
  • Being creative / Thinking outside of the box
  • Class attendance

Favorite student

  • Suji
    • Eldest of 3 sisters
    • Always asked about his family
    • She asked questions about him personally
    • She was in 6th grade
    • She really wanted to learn English
    • She desired something more in life
    • Tried to get to know him as a person
    • Asked questions & was engaged
    • Helped others in a humble way

Hardest thing about teaching English

  • First year at the public school…
    • So many students with different needs
    • Hard to give each student the individual attention they needed
    • Hard to connect because of the number of students

Enjoyed the most

  • When talking about a topic, working with students for a couple of weeks – you start to see results and the students begin to understand
  • Seeing students grow

Do you speak another language?

  • No, just English
  • Would be nice to get back to picking up Korean

Do you know any good English resources?

  • Watch American television
  • Put English subtitles
  • “HGTV” and “Food” channel
  • Even if you are shy, reach out and connect with an English speaker
  • Meet people
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Jorgina Durval
Jorgina Durval
4 years ago

I loved it this Podcast.


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