043 : Experience America | All about Washington, D.C.




  1. Personal Introduction
    • Shannon
    • Born and raised in DC
  2. Give me a general overview of DC
    • Known as the “capital” of the USA
    • Where laws are made
    • Where the president resides
    • Known for its diversity – people from all around the world
  3. Tell me what your favorite food is (from DC)
    • Chicken wings and mambo sauce (Mambo sauce : Ketchup, hot sauce, and barbecue sauce)
    • “Horse and Dickies” restaurant – Whiting Fried fish (H Street NE)
    • Davidson Sunflower seeds
  4. Tell me something unique about people in DC
    • Go-Go / The cultural music (Very unique)
    • Say hello with a head nod (“What’s up”)
    • Slang – “Da bomb” = It looks/tastes good
  5. Tell me something unique about DC
    • Made up of four quadrants (NW, NE, SW, SE)
    • All four quadrants are different – The people, the behaviors, etc
    • A beautiful city
    • The connection – DC, Washington, MD
    • Not as many tall buildings, but still very intricate
    • In NW
      • You have more brownstones (similar to NY)
      • You also have mansions
    • Lots of historical buildings
      • “Union station” – Used to be a hub for the slave trade. Now it is a train station.
      • “Fredrick Douglas’ Original home”
      • “The Smithsonian (Museums)” – Free
      • “The National Zoo” – Free
      • “Dupont Park”
  6. Tell me what you chose to live there or how long you have lived there
    • It’s home
    • Neighbors became family members
    • Close-knit neighborhood
  7. Greatest memory
    • “Father-Daughter Day” – She would explore DC with her dad all day (once a year)
  8. Name 3 must see places in DC(your choice)
    • “The National Mall” at night (Stand on the Jefferson steps or even at the Lincoln Memorial)
    • The National Arboretum (Off of New York Avenue)
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1 year ago

I have read your article carefully and I agree with you very much. This has provided a great help for my thesis writing, and I will seriously improve it. However, I don’t know much about a certain place. Can you help me?

6 months ago

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