046 : Meet Carolina – An ESL teacher, Wife, Mother, great friend, and much more!




  1. Give their introduction
    • Carolina Carter
    • Has 3 children
    • Lives in Bermuda (Used to live in Florida / Grew up in New York)
  2. Why did you become an English teacher and how long have you been an English teacher?
    • 2008 went to South Korea – went as a missionary English teacher (conversational English)
    • Was in Korea for 14 months
    • Left Korea and got married in Bermuda – taught English at a high school
    • Learned that she really enjoys teaching adults and children
    • She teaches her children at home (Homeschool)
    • She currently tutors Spanish speakers how to speak English
    • Mentioned how diligent Korean students were
  3. Can you tell us about your first teaching experience?
    • She enjoyed teaching
    • It was challenging for her to learn the culture
    • Each term the students changed, so she had to adjust
  4. As a teacher, what have you noticed are the three best qualities of a good English student?
    • Determination
      • (Not deterred by difficulties or challenges)
      • Not worried about making mistakes
    • Exposing themselves to the language on a consistent basis
      • Always trying to engage someone in conversation
    • You have to do the work. Work hard.
  5. Did you ever have a favorite student? Tell us about him/her
    • Junie (ajumma)
      • A firecracker
    • A woman in the same class
      • Smart & fiesty
    • Tomato (chosen English name)
      • Her daughter made her a bracelet
  6. What is the hardest thing about teaching English?
    • Teaching teenagers because they don’t see the value in acquiring a second language
    • When students aren’t motivated
    • Teaching students who are afraid to make mistakes – it’s hard to correct them without offending them
  7. What do you enjoy most about teaching English?
    • Learning about different places, cultures, and languages
    • Learning about how things are done in different ways
    • Celebrating cultures
  8. Do you speak another language? Tell us about it. / or / If you could learn another language, what language would you learn and why?
    • Mother tongue is Spanish (Born in the Dominican Republic) but started speaking English at 4 years old when she moved to New York
  9. Do you know any good English resources?
    • Music – mimicking songs is very helpful
      • Kevin Olusola (cello)
      • Pentatonix
    • Watching musicals – You can see what’s happening and also enjoy the music
      • “The Greatest Showman”
      • “The Sound of Music”
  10. Advice for other 2nd language teachers, students, and teachers
    • Always remember the reason why you are learning English
    • Go and find people. Make friends. Enjoy learning English.
    • Learn more about other cultures.
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