Why You Can Understand English But You Struggle To Speak In English

By watching this video lesson, you will learn why it is easy to understand English but difficult to speak in English. This lesson will also give you 5 solutions that will help you improve your ability to speak in English.




  • You are watching, listening to, and enjoying hours of English programs. But, you are only using your eyes and your ears.
  • Solution | Use an Equal Ratio
    • Speak for the exact amount of time that you listen to or watch an English program. You need to speak for the same amount in order to improve your speaking skills. This will help your speaking skills match your ability to understand English.
  • Steps :
    1. Watch a (5)-minute video (You can pick the video length)
    2. Speak for (5)-minutes about the video
    3. 50% = Summarize what you saw / 50% = Give your opinion


  • You are learning lots of new words and expressions indirectly through videos & lessons, but you aren’t using them.
  • Solution | Learn & Use One New Word
    • Try to learn and use one new word, expression, or concept every single day. Simple words are also okay. The key is that you must learn and use them every single day. This will help you get in the habit of learning new words that you can use when you speak in English.
  • Steps :
    1. Write down at least 1 word, expression, or concept you learned
    2. Figure out a way to apply it to what’s going on in your day
    3. Then, use the word in a conversation or by talking to yourself


  • You are just thinking about your day in your own language. This means your brain is mainly functioning in one language.
  • Solution | Summarizing Your Day
    • At the end of the day, even if you are alone, summarize the 3 – 5 main things you did that day. You need to start reviewing what you did each day and organize your thoughts in English. Remember that you need to speak out loud.
  • Steps :
    1. Set aside 15 minutes at the end of your day
    2. Think about the 3 main things you did
    3. Start describing/explaining them out loud in English


  • You are taking tons of notes in your notebook, on your phone, or on your computer. The problem is that they stay there.
  • Solution | Take Notes & Read Them
    • You need to start reviewing your English notes by reading them out loud. This needs to become a routine because it will help you remember important words and also use them in real life.
  • Steps :
    1. Write little notes throughout the week
    2. Pick a day to review those notes
    3. Read them out loud 3 times (It will get easier each time)


  • You are just watching videos or reading English books/articles while relaxing and not doing anything else.
  • Solution | Reading Out Loud & Shadowing
    • You need to start reading the words out loud and/or shadowing what you hear as you watch various videos. This will also help you improve your pronunciation skills.
  • Steps :
    1. Select a video (or audio file)
    2. Decide on a specific time interval (5 sec, 10 sec, or 15 sec)
    3. Stop the file based on the intervals and repeat what you hear
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3 years ago

Thank you for sharing the very helpful video that helps improve my speaking skills and giving me the encouragement. As you say, I am going to speak out loud every single day.

M. Akash Akash
M. Akash Akash
3 years ago

Good discussion for me

3 years ago

I need to learn English, you can help me please

3 years ago

I am on level 1 in English, I don’t know where to start

2 years ago

I need to learn can you help me

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